O.k. Thanks! It turns out the fault was in my desktop file, which had
cdlatex mode listed in all my org files.
Guy Mayraz | Lecturer (assistant professor) | Department of Economics |
University of Melbourne
Tel: +61 3 9035 8141 | Mobile: +61 422 893 184
On 22 June 2017 at 17:09
o org-cdlatex
being disabled (best option probably), or (ii) change the org-cdlatex math
symbol to something totally obscure that wouldn't interfere with my normal
Guy Mayraz | Lecturer (assistant professor) | Department of Economics |
University of Melbourne
Tel: +61 3 9035 8141 | M
I want every project to have a NEXT or WAIT keyword, and have defined
org-stuck-projects as follows:
(setq org-stuck-projects '("+LEVEL=2/-INACTIVE-DONE" ("NEXT" "WAIT") nil
It mostly works, but it does not identify as stuck a project that has a
"Next items" subheading and no NEXT keyword.