Re: problem with the on-line manual

2022-10-08 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
e past the ":float t" option worked as expected. In facts, I have tens of org-mode documents for my slides, all containing the ":float t" option, and now they are all exported incorrectly. Is this a bug, or has the syntax changed in a way that is not documented yet ? Best,

problem with the on-line manual

2022-10-08 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
es ? Best, Giuseppe Lipari

Re: publishing does not work anymore

2021-05-07 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
#x27; at the end of the file, maybe there is a simpler and more idiomatic way of doing it? Thanks again for your help, Giuseppe Lipari CRIStAL, Université de Lille Le ven. 7 mai 2021 à 04:08, Timothy a écrit : > > Nick Dokos writes: > >> :body-only t > >>

publishing does not work anymore

2021-05-06 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
lishing-function org-html-publish-to-html ...) Unfortunately, this completely breaks my long-time functioning workflow for publishing the details of my course on the University portal. Can someone please help me sort out the problem ? Best, Giuseppe Lipari Giuseppe Lipari CRIStAL, Université de Lille

Re: [O] BUG : cannot export src block to html

2018-04-12 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
Thanks, indeed. I will contact the maintainer. Giuseppe Lipari Le jeu. 12 avr. 2018 à 15:40, Nicolas Goaziou a écrit : > Hello, > > Giuseppe Lipari writes: > > > Dear all, > > > > (I am reposting it here with a more appropriate subject-line, hopi

Re: [O] Error: Symbol's value as variable is void: overlays

2018-04-08 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
he exported org-buffer contains a snippet of code. Otherwise, the export process works fine. Giuseppe Lipari Le dim. 8 avr. 2018 à 20:57, Adonay Felipe Nogueira a écrit : > 2018-04-08T17:00:59+ Giuseppe Lipari wrote: > > Symbol's value as variable is void: overlays &g

Re: [O] Error: Symbol's value as variable is void: overlays

2018-04-08 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
rg from the git: org-version: 9.1.9 (release_9.1.9-582-gfb5872) Any idea ? Giuseppe Lipari Le dim. 8 avr. 2018 à 19:00, Giuseppe Lipari a écrit : > Dear all, > > I use org-mode to publish my web site that I update every now and then. > The site contains my lectures, and indeed I

[O] Error: Symbol's value as variable is void: overlays

2018-04-08 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
f the project? Can someone suggest me any direction where I should look into? Thanks in advance Giuseppe Lipari (add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/org-mode.old/lisp") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/org-mode.old/contrib/lisp") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/el

Re: [O] Publishing multiple projects

2016-03-19 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
-function org-publish-attachment ) ("org" :components ("org-notes" "org-static")) ;; ... add all the components here (see below)... )) ; (org-publish-remove-all-timestamps) (org-publish-project "org") Hope this helps Giuseppe Lipari Le lun. 14 mars 2016

Re: [O] error on org-reload (Symbol's value as variable is void: load-uncore)

2016-03-11 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
Dear Nick, Le ven. 11 mars 2016 à 16:45, Nick Dokos a écrit : > Giuseppe Lipari writes: > > > Hello, > > > > I want to have a backtrace of an error I am encountering. So I followed > the instructions here, > > 1) I enabled "enter debugger on error"

[O] error on org-reload (Symbol's value as variable is void: load-uncore)

2016-03-11 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
y (or (locate-library "org-contribdir") "")) org-dir)) (feature-re "^\\(org\\|ob\\|ox\\)\\(-.*\\)?") (remove-re (mapconcat (quote identity) (mapcar (function (lambda (f) (concat "^" f "$"))) (list (if (featurep ...) "org-colview" "org-colview-xemacs") "org" "org-loaddefs" "org-version")) "\\|")) (feats (delete-dups (mapcar (quote file-name-sans-extension) (mapcar (quote file-name-nondirectory) (delq nil (mapcar ... features)) (lfeat (append (sort (setq feats (delq nil (mapcar ... feats))) (quote string-lessp)) (list "org-version" "org"))) (load-suffixes (if (boundp (quote load-suffixes)) (progn load-suffixes))) (load-suffixes (if uncompiled (reverse load-suffixes) load-suffixes)) load-uncore load-misses) (setq load-misses (delq (quote t) (mapcar (function (lambda (f) (or (load ... ... nil nil ...) (and ... ...) (and ... ... ...) f))) lfeat))) (if load-uncore (progn (message "The following feature%s found in load-path, please check if that's correct:\n%s" (if (> (length load-uncore) 1) "s were" " was") load-uncore))) (if load-misses (message "Some error occurred while reloading Org feature%s\n%s\nPlease check *Messages*!\n%s" (if (> (length load-misses) 1) "s" "") load-misses (org-version nil (quote full))) (message "Successfully reloaded Org\n%s" (org-version nil (quote full) org-reload(nil) call-interactively(org-reload record nil) command-execute(org-reload record) execute-extended-command(nil "org-reload") call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil) I am running the latest development version: Org-mode version 8.3.4 (release_8.3.4-642-ge69e18 @ /home/lipari/elisp/org-mode/lisp/) on GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.7) of 2014-03-07 on lamiak, modified by Debian Best, Giuseppe Lipari

Re: [O] Cannot export bash src: more details

2016-02-25 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
Great news, thanks a lot! Giuseppe Le jeu. 25 févr. 2016 à 19:10, Eric S Fraga a écrit : > On Thursday, 25 Feb 2016 at 15:04, Nicolas Goaziou wrote: > > Completing myself, > > > >> An ECM would be great. However, some backtrace using un-compiled Org > >> would help, too. > > > > Actually, the i

Re: [O] what happened to :wrap HTML ?

2016-02-25 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
Hello, :wrap export HTML is perfectly fine for me, and it opens more possibilities, so I am willing to upgrade my org files to the new syntax (they are not so many). Thank you for the fast response, Giuseppe Lipari Le mer. 24 févr. 2016 à 23:56, Rasmus a écrit : > Nicolas Goaziou wri

Re: [O] Cannot export bash src: more details

2016-02-24 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
indentation... Maybe I should just revert to the old version of org. I will tell you if I find a somehow smaller example. Giuseppe Lipari Le mer. 24 févr. 2016 à 18:30, Eric S Fraga a écrit : > On Tuesday, 23 Feb 2016 at 10:54, Giuseppe Lipari wrote: > > [...] > > > byte-code: In

[O] what happened to :wrap HTML ?

2016-02-24 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
screenshot: [image: snapshot-org1.jpg] Hence my question: what happened to ":wrap HTML" ?? Is there an equivalent way to express the same behaviour as before? Giuseppe Lipari

[O] Cannot export bash src: more details

2016-02-23 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
o continue my investigation (I have to prepare my slides for tomorrow), however I am available to provide more information if necessary. Org-mode version 8.3.4 (release_8.3.4-588-g924431 @ /home/lipari/elisp/org-mode/lisp/) Best regards, Giuseppe Lipari

[O] Cannot export bash src

2016-02-23 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
e snippet, everything is all right, so I think it should be the culprit. However, if I isolate the above snippet in separate org file, the pdf file is produced all right. Anybody has any idea of what is going on? I am available to give you more information (my, and the whole org file, if necessary). Giuseppe Lipari

Re: [O] Best practices to get reminders?

2015-04-07 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
suggestion for this last one thing is welcome. Giuseppe 2015-04-07 16:19 GMT+02:00 Melleus : > If you have an android phone, then you can use mobile-org for that. You > would have all your org information available even on the road. > > > -- Giuseppe Lipari LIFL Université de Lill

Re: [O] Include HTML fragments in HTML export

2015-03-19 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
Hi, I have a similar setting, and it works fine for me: #+INCLUDE: ./all_pub.html html (notice the absence of "" around the file name) I use org-8.3beta (taken from the git repo some weeks ago). Best, Giuseppe Lipari 2015-03-18 19:46 GMT+01:00 Rasmus : > Hi, >

Re: [O] Tabs in export of code

2015-01-11 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
vel is nil, exactly as in your case. I have no idea if it can be set to nil at the global level (the documentation seems to say that it is not possible). Summarising no tab in the org file, --> a tab appears in the tex file Thanks anyway. Giuseppe Lipari 2015-01-11 19:01 GMT+01:00 Eri

[O] Tabs in export of code

2015-01-11 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
} ... PrimeThread p = new PrimeThread(143); p.start(); \end{minted} \end{frame} As you can maybe see (it depends on how your email client shows tabs), there is a tab character in front of the fourth line. Where this tab comes from? Is there any org-mode variable I can configure to prevent this behavio

Re: [O] Possible bug in export of table in latex

2015-01-08 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
n and appropriate latex code, so the simplest approach would be to either give an error upon exportin, or to ignore the width option altogether. On the other hand, I guess :width makes sense for other exporters, like e.g. html or ODT, so it should stay. Just my two cents. Giuseppe Lipari 2015-01-06

[O] Possible bug in export of table in latex

2015-01-06 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
t updated version from git, that is 8.3beta All the best, Giuseppe Lipari -- Giuseppe Lipari LIFL Université de Lille 1 blogs: (Italian) <> http://okpanico, (Italian)

Re: [O] Including HTML text verbatim in html export

2014-11-06 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
Thanks a lot Nicolas, that's exactly was I was looking for! Best regards, Giuseppe Lipari 2014-11-06 18:40 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Goaziou : > Hello, > > Giuseppe Lipari writes: > > > I tried #+INCLUDE: but it interprets the html file as an org file. If I > > specify

[O] Including HTML text verbatim in html export

2014-11-06 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
html code in the page. One solution I see is to generate the org-file with some script which will put copy html generated code between #+BEGIN_HTML ... #+END_HTML, but before going this way I would like to know if there is a simpler way of doing it. All the best, Giuseppe Lipari -- Giuseppe

Re: [O] exporting tables + equations to latex

2014-10-11 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
Lipari 2014-10-09 17:38 GMT+02:00 Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo <>: > Hi Giuseppe. > Giuseppe Lipari writes: > > The big problem I have is that I do not know how to put equations in >> cells. [...] the underlines are translated as underlines,

[O] exporting tables + equations to latex

2014-10-09 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
\)2$ & $S$\backslash$\(_\)3$ & $S$\backslash$\(_\)4$ & B \\ ... ... % END RECEIVE ORGTBL fp \hline \end{tabular} Where is the \backslash coming from? I have no idea. So, where is the problem? How can I put a simple mathematical symbol in a org-mode table? Thanks in advance -- Giuseppe Lipari LIFL Université de Lille 1 blogs: (Italian) <> http://okpanico, (Italian) (English)

Re: [O] Overlay in beamer?

2014-04-30 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
specify overlays for figures ... something like #+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay <1-> (Was it available before? I just found this old thread: ) Thanks again, Giuseppe Lipari

[O] Overlay in beamer?

2014-04-30 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
} - end-snippet- Can someone help me to understand how to put overlays on figures? I am using org-mode version 8.2.5h (pulled from the git repository about one month ago I guess) on Emacs 24.3.1 Thanks in advance, Giuseppe Lipari -- Giuseppe Lipari RETIS Lab, CEIIC Scuola Sup

Re: [O] Bug: Org-babel export of c++11 code to Latex does not work properly [7.9.4 (7.9.4-elpa @ /home/lipari/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20130401/)]

2014-01-20 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
I'll let Eric decide if it > >> has to be applied or not. > > > > The test is wrong. Corrected version follows. > > Ah well. This is getting embarrassing. Third, and hopefully last, > attempt. > > -- > Nicolas Goaziou > -- Giuseppe Lipari RETIS Lab, CE

Re: [O] Bug: Org-babel export of c++11 code to Latex does not work properly [7.9.4 (7.9.4-elpa @ /home/lipari/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20130401/)]

2014-01-20 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
somewhere in ob-C.el. Thanks again Giuseppe Lipari 2014/1/19 Bastien > Hi Giuseppe, > > Giuseppe Lipari writes: > > > Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen > > and > > what in fact did happen. You don't know how to

[O] Bug: Org-babel export of c++11 code to Latex does not work properly [7.9.4 (7.9.4-elpa @ /home/lipari/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20130401/)]

2014-01-11 Thread Giuseppe Lipari
s are wrongly copied after the language specification. Therefore, minted does not work and does not output the code. I tried to put the :flags specification in the HEADERS, but it does not work (fails for compile). Also, the results do not appear in the pdf file, even by specifying ":exports both&