On 16.03.2024 12:48, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Yes. You can add
#+property: header-args:text :eval no
on top of your Org file or add
(setq org-babel-default-header-args:text '((:eval . "no")))
to your config.
Is it possible to make org-lint recognize those settings?
I have the kludge
On 14.03.2024 02:17, William Denton wrote:
On Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 at 19:19, Bruno Cardoso
For me this improved the situation a bit, but I still get significant
slow-downs as before.
I don't know if it is related, but if I set a property (C-c C-x p) in
a new heading with no
I noticed that the link
is broken.
Furthermore, I think that the usage instructions for Emacs-28.1 and
later are
This patch proposes fixes.
Regards -- Gerard
the attached patch adds two missing function declarations to oc-basic.el
Regards -- Gerard
Description: Binary data
On 10.03.2024 12:39, Sébastien Gendre wrote:
Thank you for your reply.
I talk about the Org-mode In-Buffer settings:
Try for instance: (org-collect-keywords '("TITLE"))
On 04.03.2024 11:12, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
What about after
This fixes the bug.
I resubmit my patch (attached) without any caveats in the commit
Regards -- Gerard
On 03.03.2024 14:08, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I have reduced my version of `org-babel-demarcate-block' to a minimal
function to locate the bug stemming from edit-prep signaling an
user-error or not. In case edit-prep signals an user-error the call
chain `org
On 29.02.2024 12:56, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
That includes `org-babel-demarcate-block' splitting with the patch.
I do not understand why it works and why I never see the user-error
re-signalled by `org-babel-edit-prep:sql' (even as demoted message).
On 28.02.2024 12:54, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
You may wrap `org-indent-block' into `condition-case' to catch
The caveat is not a real constraint, since Org has limited support for
source block editing in an Org mode buffer when an
On 25.02.2024 13:21, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I added the caveat:
This patch is incompatible with `org-babel-edit-prep:' functions
that signal `user-error's.
to the commit message and cleaned it up a bit.
You may wrap `org-indent-block' into `condition-case' t
On 25.02.2024 13:21, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I added the caveat:
This patch is incompatible with `org-babel-edit-prep:' functions
that signal `user-error's.
to the commit message and cleaned it up a bit.
You may wrap `org-indent-block' into `condition-case'
On 23.02.2024 14:43, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I rewrote my `org-babel-edit-prep:python' to get rid of user-errors
then I bumped on the user-error coming from
This is strange. `org-src--make-source-overlay' does n
On 21.02.2024 19:19, gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net wrote:
On 21.02.2024 10:40, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
May you please provide more details?
This is different of what I saw before:
When splitting python blocks in an org file I got a long list of
On 21.02.2024 10:40, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Still failing on my side (when running tests non-interactively from
command line). To fix the problem, please use the approach from
(transient-mark-mode 1)
On 19.02.2024 10:46, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Ihor Radchenko writes:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I think that I have improved my region marking code by using
in the temp-text as a start. Then, I only have to find where to set
and eventually exchange point and mark.
On 10.02.2024 00:04, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I have a direct use for org-latex-toc-command being a file local
safe variable and I looked a bit around for other variables not
being file local safe for no good reason IMO (why those not,
while similar variables
I have a direct use for org-latex-toc-command being a file local
safe variable and I looked a bit around for other variables not
being file local safe for no good reason IMO (why those not,
while similar variables yes).
I have attached a patch which makes six variables file local safe.
se it has an org-id
#+begin_src latex
Listing \ref{noop}, \ref{make-noweb}, and \ref{orgd105392}.
while the caption of the linked listing has a user label.
* mwe-links-ok
Noweb fails, because the LaTeX output preamble does contain
#+begin_src latex
I want to have a kind of dynamic RESULTS: noweb block to select what
other block to put in the LaTeX preamble on LaTeX export.
I can get it working, but in this case links to the RESULTS: noweb block
are not resolved. I found no way to get the links resolved without
breaking Noweb. See my
I think that it is inconsistent that `org-latex-reference-command'
is a safe file local variable while `org-latex-prefer-user-labels' is
not (it makes no sense to set the first at file scope, while the second
is nil at global scope). Furthermore, `org-html-prefer-user-labels'
is also a safe f
I have read the docstring of `org-latex-toc-command' too literally
to discover that specifying anything else than "toc:nil" works.
The attached patch contains a proposal for improvement.
Below there is a not so small mwe.
--- begin mwe ---
#+title: Table of Contents Test
#+latex_class: art
I have found by trial and error that `org-indent-block' honors
`org-preserve-indentation' which is missing from its docstring.
The attached patch contains a proposal to add this fact to the
Regards -- Gerard
On 25.01.2024 13:41, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I have found that CAPTION keywords in the "name-result-example" in
manual are essential to produce correct links.
It should not be essential. What you demonstrated is two bugs in Org
In case the
On 22.01.2024 19:59, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
FR: would it be possible to resolve such links?
What is the purpose? Why not simply leaving the result name same as
source block?
I have Python "IN" blocks generating Python "OUT" blocks that may end
On 22.01.2024 19:59, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
FR: would it be possible to resolve such links?
What is the purpose? Why not simply leaving the result name same as
source block?
I have Python "IN" blocks generating Python "OUT" blocks that may end
On 22.01.2024 19:15, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
For the listings below org-lint tells me to move "#+name: OUT"
Line Trust Warning
17 high #+name: in results of evaluation will be replaced by
re-evaluating the src block. Use #+name
For the listings below org-lint tells me to move "#+name: OUT"
Line Trust Warning
17 high #+name: in results of evaluation will be replaced by
re-evaluating the src block. Use #+name in the block instead.
This is not true, and after I move it below "#+RESULTS: IN"
On 20.01.2024 13:18, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I suspect that you may have some misunderstanding about how
`org-babel-detangle' works. Its docstring says:
Propagate changes in source file back original to Org file.
So, it is expected to run from the tangle
On 19.01.2024 16:20, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
org-babel-detangle is an interactive command but
M-x org-babel-detangle always replies "Detangled 0 code blocks"
This patch makes org-babel-detangle prompt for a source code file.
Obviously, I got bitten by this.
On 19.01.2024 13:50, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
This patch addresses a number of glitches discovered during
testing and contains possible fixes (sub-patch test-ob-maxima fixes
batch testing on my system, but not interactive testing).
Thanks for y
org-babel-detangle is an interactive command but
M-x org-babel-detangle always replies "Detangled 0 code blocks"
This patch makes org-babel-detangle prompt for a source code file.
Obviously, I got bitten by this.
The patch contains
(user-error "Source code file does %S not exist" source-cod
This patch addresses a number of glitches discovered during interactive
testing and contains possible fixes (sub-patch test-ob-maxima fixes
batch testing on my system, but not interactive testing).
The test-ob-maxima patch may be due to a different Maxima version, but
I do not think so. In batch
On 18.01.2024 17:45, Sébastien Miquel wrote:
Ihor Radchenko writes:
If I recall correctly, in order to fix this, in =org-indent-line=,
before calling =TAB= in the native buffer, one should check the
current line indentation and if it is less than =block-content-ind=,
start by adding this much
* Why I do (setopt org-src-preserve-indention t)
Sometimes, I want to do small Elisp edits without calling
org-edit-source-code. Below, I describe a long standing bug
(several years) that is also present in main.
I use smartparens, but it reproduces also in a clean
environment (minimal init.el)
On 14.01.2024 20:18, gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net wrote:
On 14.01.2024 13:16, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I tried make test and the tests are still failing with this new patch:
1 unexpected results:
FAILED test-ob/demarcate-block ((should (string= reg
On 14.01.2024 13:16, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I tried make test and the tests are still failing with this new patch:
1 unexpected results:
FAILED test-ob/demarcate-block ((should (string= region-text
(org-trim (nth 1 info :form (string= "mark t
On 13.01.2024 21:16, gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net wrote:
On 13.01.2024 16:17, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Attached you'll find a new patch addressing all you issues.
I tried to run make test, and I am getting
FAILED test-ob/demarcate-block ((should
On 13.01.2024 16:17, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Attached you'll find a new patch addressing all you issues.
I tried to run make test, and I am getting
FAILED test-ob/demarcate-block ((should (string= region-text
(org-trim (nth 1 info :form (st
Attached you'll find a new patch addressing all you issues.
I have integrated our discussion leading to
Please feel free to add the line
Co-authored-by: Ihor Radchenko
to the commit message. I think you should.
On 09.01.2024 15:49, Ihor Radc
On 11.01.2024 18:28, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
You can also try
cd /path/to/org/git
make repro
I get:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-element-begin)
(org-element-begin copy)
This means that your Org mode git folder is not on main branc
On 11.01.2024 17:01, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Try using released Emacs version. Emacs master builds are a subject
unexpected bugs sometimes.
I get exactly the same results on Emacs-29.1 as on Emacs master.
For Emacs-29.1 (tar.xy) and Emacs master I hav
On 11.01.2024 16:04, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I cannot reproduce.
This is strange:
I pulled the latest main and created a clean org-emacs directory
where I put a minimal init.el reading:
I have no idea what I can do now.
My Emacs is also recent main
On 11.01.2024 13:37, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Below, I show 2 commands to be run with point on a source block.
I expect that those commands modify an Org file identically, but
they do not. It fails when `org-indent-block' is called in a
loop after each `(ins
Below, I show 2 commands to be run with point on a source block.
I expect that those commands modify an Org file identically, but
they do not. It fails when `org-indent-block' is called in a
loop after each `(insert (org-element-interpret-data copy))' and
it works when `org-indent-block' is calle
On 09.01.2024 08:49, gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net wrote:
Anyhow, I have removed the comment and I have replaced check below it
+ (set-mark (point)) ;; To simplify the next (unless ...):
+ (unless (and (>= (point) body-beg) (<= (mark) body-end))
On 08.01.2024 21:25, gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net wrote:
On 08.01.2024 13:08, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Anyhow, I have removed the comment and I have replaced check below it
+ (set-mark (point)) ;; To simplify the next (unless ...):
On 08.01.2024 13:08, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Attached you'll find a new version of my patch addressing all your
This mail ends with two other ideas in the context of this patch.
I've tested your patch and found two problems:
1. #+name: lines a
On 04.01.2024 15:43, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Attached you'll find a new version of the patch that addresses your
comments. I have modified the ERT test so that it checks most of
your examples showing where the older versions of the patch failed.
The test is no
when I have an org file with a line like
#+cite_export: biblatex phys,biblabel=brackets,doi=true
and I invoke org-lint before I have exported the file to LaTeX,
then org-lint complains:
9 nil Unknown cite export processor %S
This strange message goes away when I invoke org-lint after
On 03.01.2024 16:11, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Attached you'll find a new patch that seems to solve the block
problem that you have pointed out, see PS or attached patch-demo.org.
test-ob/demarcate-block-split passes.
This was a bug in `o
On 02.01.2024 11:48, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
IMHO, this is a bug.
The current approach with regexp matching in
is clearly not accurate. What would be more robust is using
org-element-at-point + org-element-copy + set :val
On 31.12.2023 15:28, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
The purpose of this patch is to duplicate switches when
duplicates headers (meaning point in the source block when
Thanks for the patch!
Would you mind also adding a test f
The purpose of this patch is to duplicate switches when
duplicates headers (meaning point in the source block when demarcating).
Regards -- Gerard
Description: Binary data
org-lint errors when using ob-maxima as the following snippet shows:
# begin Org snippet
org-lint errors with "Wrong type argument: listp, batchload"
after evaluating:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(require 'ob-maxima)
org-lint shows its *Org Lint* buffer after evaluating
Emacs-30 obsoletes the second integer 'millisec' argument of
and tells to use a float argument. This patch fixes the obsolete usage.
Regards -- Gerard
Description: Binary data
This patch fixes an oversight in
It fixes the caller name in documentation and conforms to "rules" in
sibling ob-XXX.el files.
Regards -- Gerard
Description: Binary data
On 18.08.2023 06:37, gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net wrote:
On 17.08.2023 14:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Your patches allow anyone to change
For instance, I want to use black to "pretty-print" certain tree-like
On 17.08.2023 14:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
Your patches allow anyone to change
For instance, I want to use black to "pretty-print" certain tree-like
May you simply add an extra code to transform output as n
On 17.08.2023 06:04, Jack Kamm wrote:
I attach a 2nd patch implementing this. It also makes ":results table"
the default return type for dict. (Use ":results verbatim" to get the
dict as a string instead).
I am also putting a branch with these changes here:
On 06.07.2023 14:49, Dan Drake wrote:
There's a bug [[(my-code-line-label)][right here]].
This seems inconsistent. Why do I have to omit the ref: bit? This
always confuses me; it seems like it would be simpler to just make the
label and the links to that line of code be exactly the same. I d
The docstrings of `org-outline-level' and `org-current-level' contain
the undefined symbol name `org-odd-levels'.
The same lines of the docstrings contain also wording like
"Unlike to `org-current-level'" and "Unlike to `org-outline-level'"
where "to" should not be there.
This patch change
On 17.06.2023 14:38, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
The term "image in-lining" is a very terse description of what my code
Before going ahead with a patch to in-line images in tags,
there remains the question of how to make those tags behave as
much as pos
On 15.06.2023 22:51, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
On 07.06.2023 19:57, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
I am not expert in html. Maybe someone else (Timothy?) can chime in.
That said, I do not see why we cannot offer strategy as an
option regardless whether is can solve
On 07.06.2023 19:57, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
I understand why you prefer the tag over the tag.
Finally, I can see that there are ways to use CSS on img+svg:
I failed to make the flower example work with the information on this
On 06.06.2023 16:14, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 05/06/2023 20:23, gerard.vermeulen wrote:
# The next line overrules html-embed-svg:t
# The next line overrules html-embed-svg:nil
I agree with Ihor's idea concerning #+attr
On 06.06.2023 11:57, Christian Moe wrote:
I think there's a better approach. Tl;dr:
- A better way to have active CSS in SVG images is to link to the
external SVG file with the rather than tag, as we used
- Without patching Org, you can embed an external SVG file as an SVG
On 06.06.2023 09:49, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I have been trying to export SVG images having links to CSS from Org
and I have found that the this CSS is not active in Firefox (only
browser I tried).
I have found that the CCS is only active under two
SVG embedding and with HTML_HEAD managing the CSS. Becomes an M-non-WE without SVG embedding or without HTML_HEAD managing the CSS.
Author: Gerard Vermeulen
Created: 2023-06-05 Mon 11:10
/*** SVG demonstration ***/
/* page */
svg {
background-color: beige;
On 11.05.2023 17:05, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
the attached patch fixes (setopt org-babel-load-languages '((scheme .
before scheme-mode has been loaded.
Thanks, but may you please elaborate what is the problem you are trying
to solve?
I think that I h
the attached patch fixes (setopt org-babel-load-languages '((scheme .
before scheme-mode has been loaded.
Best regards -- Gerard
Description: Binary data
Igor, merged the patch yesterday with the bugfix branch.
It is now in https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/org-9.7pre0.20230502.124756.tar
or later.
It should not matter whether you are using Emacs-28 or Emacs-29.
Regards -- Gerard
On 03.05.2023 08:00, Nathan Van Ymeren wrote:
Ahh, I forgot to specify
On 02.05.2023 08:18, Nathan Van Ymeren wrote:
When I specify double width floats, they appear with slashes embedded
in the RESULTS blocks, like so:
#+begin_src lisp
(+ 1 0.0002d0)
: 1\.0002d0
Is this a bug? If not, how do I suppress this behaviour?
Do you us
On 29.03.2023 11:42, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
The Emacs integrated development environments Slime and Sly
communicate by means of similar RPC protocols with different server
programs: Swank in case of Slime and Slynk in case of Sly. However,
the code in org-
The Emacs integrated development environments Slime and Sly
communicate by means of similar RPC protocols with different server
programs: Swank in case of Slime and Slynk in case of Sly. However,
the code in org-babel-execute:lisp always expects to talk with Swank
because of the hard-code
On 02.02.2023 09:26, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
May you please convert the diff into a patch with changelog entry and
commit message? See
patch attached.
1. I have assigned my copyright for Em
Hi Igor,
On 31.01.2023 11:34, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
The attached patch synchronizes the =defcustom= with the rest of the
code base, groups languages by org-babel file, and uses camel-case to
spell languages (the new fashion).
May you please convert
I have been replacing to calls to =custom-set-variables= with calls to
the safer
=setopt= (new in Emacs-29.0.60) and I discovered that calling
src_emacs-lisp{(setopt org-babel-load-languages '((eshell t) (emacs-lisp
raises a warning because =eshell= is missing from the
the attached patch replaces a snippet of broken javascript code with an
org-mode link.
Best regards -- Gerard
Description: Binary data
the attached patch fixes a broken link to the worg sources.
Best regards -- Gerard
Description: Binary data
On 28.11.2022 06:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
disclaimers: my nationality is dutch, although I am living in France
since 1987
and I don't use org-mode clocking. I have the following remarks:
The real translation of "headline" into Dutch is "kop" (close to t
disclaimers: my nationality is dutch, although I am living in France
since 1987
and I don't use org-mode clocking. I have the following remarks:
The real translation of "headline" into Dutch is "kop" (close to the
German translation),
but if "headline" should be understood like "headi
== begin of "include-myself.org" file
#+caption: BUG: org-lint does not agree with ox-latex and
#+name: make-me-float
#+include: "include-myself.org" src org :lines "1-3"
== end of "include-myself.org" file
== begin of "include-myself.org" file
#+caption: BUG: org-lint does not agree with ox-latex and
#+name: make-me-float
#+include: "include-myself.org" src org :lines "1-3"
== end of "include-myself.org" file
On 12.10.2022 18:21, Max Nikulin wrote:
Stewart Thomas. [BUG] Tables with square brackets do not compile in
PDF (latex) export. Wed, 10 Nov 2021 11:16:10 -0500.
I can not figure out an easy way t
On 12.10.2022 07:55, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 12/10/2022 12:15, gerard.vermeulen wrote:
On 12.10.2022 06:45, Max Nikulin wrote:
LuaLaTeX is irrelevant. It seems \hline is allowed only immediately
after \\. Minimal LaTeX example:
Your example
On 12.10.2022 06:45, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 12/10/2022 11:15, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
But what is the problem here? Isn't \relax supposed to work in LuaTeX?
LuaLaTeX is irrelevant. It seems \hline is allowed only immediately
after \\. Minimal LaTeX example:
On 12.10.2022 06:15, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeu...@posteo.net writes:
I am regularly updating 9.6-pre from https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/ and
my LaTeX export stopped working. The org-mode snippet below
with the LaTeX export file) shows the problem. The
I am regularly updating 9.6-pre from https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/ and
my LaTeX export stopped working. The org-mode snippet below (attached,
with the LaTeX export file) shows the problem. The LaTeX file compiles
after I remove
all occurrences of \relax.
Best -- Ger
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