Holger Macht writes:
> This does exactly what I want, thanks for the pointer. However, I'm
> missing the overview to know what impact this might have. Just for
> reference:
IMHO, this change should be safe to include.
Holger Macht writes:
> On Mo 22. Mär - 18:44:38, Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias wrote:
>> Holger Macht writes:
>> > (org-entry-properties nil 'all) does not return inherited properties
>> > added with a file directive like that:
>> >
Holger Macht writes:
> (org-entry-properties nil 'all) does not return inherited properties
> added with a file directive like that:
> #+PROPERTY: propkey propval
> Is this by intention? If so, is there a method to get all the properties
> of an item, also inherited ones?
> Currently I was
Carsten Dominik writes:
> am not able to reproduce this problem.
I am, doing org-outdent-item replaces the "-" char for "2.", thus the
point is one char earlier.
Whether to call this behavior a bug I don't know.
egall...@babel.ls.fi.upm.es (Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias) writes:
> To reproduce save this minimal org file:
> #+STARTUP: even
> * A
> :END:
> ** B :ARCHIVE:
>Some text
Dear org-mode developers,
first and foremost thank you for this wonderful tool.
I think I hit a bug in org-cycle: If the tree has the ARCHIVE property
set and some subtree has the ARCHIVE tag, org-cycle will open the
archive subtree as if we were using C-Tab.
To reproduce save this minimal org f