- org-mac-message.el and org-mac-link-grabber have been combined into
- The menu option for grabbing links from Google Chrome is `[c]hrome'
the .patch file is attached
Sincerely yours,
-- Daniil Frumin
Description: B
As discussed in here: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/78806
Smart quote support for Russian language
* ox.el (org-export-smart-quotes-alist): Added ("ru").
Sincerely yours,
-- Daniil
Description: Binary data
I prepared a patch as you've suggested (attached).
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 3:15 AM, Rasmus wrote:
> Hi Daniil,
> Daniil Frumin writes:
> > Hi! I am using the latest org from git and I can't get org to export (I
> > need LaTeX export particularly
th 'quotes'
** Subheading with "quotes".
This is "some" 'text'.
Using 'fr' yields different quotes, for example. Is there a way to use
standard "english" smart quotes with different language? Right now my
example is producing bad LaTeX.
Sincerely yours,
-- Daniil Frumin
at 8:33 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On 13.5.2013, at 22:35, Daniil Frumin wrote:
>> So I've been researching this problem and it seems that there is no sane way
>> to re-select a text.
> OK, thanks for looking into it.
>> The problem is t
osed to have an "as-" prefix.
> I can fix this - but I wanted your feedback first.
> Thanks.
> - Carsten
> On 12 mei 2013, at 20:29, Daniil Frumin wrote:
>> Hi, all!
>> I use org-mac-link-grabber.el
>> <http://o
So, maybe it's possible to get this patch into the tree? It's my first time
hacking on org (or even any major elisp extension), so it's probably that I've
messed up somewhere with a commit format or whatnot.
-- Daniil Frumin
Description: Binary data