baz :: goo
> - 1 egg
> - 0.5 cups
> - :punc
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (defun gg ()
> (interactive)
> (beginning-of-line)
> (forward-word)
> (backward-word)
> (while (not (looking-at " "))
> Calvin You
Hi all,
If my cursor is in a description list item, what's the recommended way of
getting the point at the beginning of the description list text (i.e.,
after the bullet character)? To illustrate, given the following description
list item, I'd like to get the point represented by the pipe characte
Hey all,
Does anyone know whether the version of OSX Emacs from comes with all of the org-mode contrib packages?
If so, I'm having a heck of a time finding it.
It looks like `org.el` is getting loaded
from /Applications/, but that pa
ublish it on Worg as well.
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Sebastien Vauban
> Calvin Young wrote:
> > Makes sense! Just wanted to see how others felt about this :)
> >
> > Anyway thanks for the consideration, and for the tip
> > about org-elemen
Makes sense! Just wanted to see how others felt about this :)
Anyway thanks for the consideration, and for the tip
about org-element-at-point -- really did make this trivial to implement.
On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Rasmus wrote:
> Hi,
> Calvin Young writes:
> >
Hi all,
I've been using org-mode for a while now, and it's been life-changing in
terms of how I keep organized. However, there's still one thing I miss from
traditional note-taking apps when working with lists. Specifically, I'd
like to enable the following behavior:
- If the cursor is at the
Jorge, thanks for the quick response!
> * If the cursor is at the end of a list item, then "Return" should
>> insert a new list item (i.e., automatically perform org-meta-return)
> M- does this. You do not want to do that because you when
> you want to finish the list finishes it.
Hi all,
I've been using org-mode for a while now, and it's been life-changing in
terms of how I keep organized. However, there's still one thing I miss from
traditional note-taking apps when working with lists. Specifically, I'd
like to enable the following behavior:
- If the cursor is at the