[Orgmode] Bug: Footnotes in combination with LaTeX fragments is broken in latest trunk

2009-11-28 Thread Bjørn Arild Mæland
Hi, In the latest trunk version of org-mode (4cbedbff1adf22e2018baf5c674b32a91c68007e) I get an error when I export the following org file to pdf: , | #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{acronym} | #+LATEX_HEADER: \acrodef{SRILM}{The SRI Language Modeling Toolkit} | | * Test | \ac{SRILM} [fn:srilm] |

Re: [Orgmode] Bug: Problem with LaTeX export of bold email address [6.33trans (release_6.33c.10.ga7fb)]

2009-11-19 Thread Bjørn Arild Mæland
I ran into this bug as well - its present in all of the 6.33 releases. Downgrading to 6.32b (or latest trunk it seems) solves the problem, until a new release is made. -Bjørn 2009/11/18 Carsten Dominik : > Hi Anthony, > > thanks for the report, this is a bug that was recently introduced.  It > ha