Ihor Radchenko writes:
> David Masterson writes:
Maybe I'm not explicit enough. In section 8.1 of the Org 9.6 manual is
a subsection "Time/Date Range" that *implies* times are supported in
ranges by the use of words "time" and "timestamp" when, above, you're
saying they ar
i am running an ancient org version. i noticed this, referring to an
unknown future-to-mine version.
+backend. From now on, using =outline-*= functions is strongly
+discouraged when working with Org files.
before i try to upgrade, i'd like to know if possible whether with
this change, org- vers
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> David Masterson writes:
Maybe I'm not explicit enough. In section 8.1 of the Org 9.6 manual is
a subsection "Time/Date Range" that *implies* times are supported in
ranges by the use of words "time" and "timestamp" when, above, you're
saying they ar
On 2023-06-10 22:47, Farblos wrote:
Hang on, that test case is not really clean yet ... -Q disabled my
load-path additions, of course ... will give it another try ...
No, the test case is good and exactly as described in the mail before
the previous one, even with "emacs -Q".
On 2023-06-10 22:39, Jens Schmidt wrote:
OK, so I cobbled up Org main with branch emacs-29.
Hang on, that test case is not really clean yet ... -Q disabled my
load-path additions, of course ... will give it another try ...
David Masterson writes:
>>> Maybe I'm not explicit enough. In section 8.1 of the Org 9.6 manual is
>>> a subsection "Time/Date Range" that *implies* times are supported in
>>> ranges by the use of words "time" and "timestamp" when, above, you're
>>> saying they are undefined (unsupported?) for n
Visuwesh writes:
>> You can try to set `org-fold-core-style' to overlays. Or you can try to
>> disable flyspell. Or you can try to disable org-num that adds up to text
>> properties.
> What kind of disasters will I invite if I permanently set
> `org-fold-core--ignore-modifications' to t?
1. Au
Dear Marcin and everybody,
I had a similar requirement for "simplest HTML" and have documented (incl.
source code) how I tackled this under
In summary, my solution is
- a few settings in init.el:
+ org-html-text-markup-alist similar to