Vitalij Chepelev writes:
> Hello.
> I am new to Org mode. it is enough #+BEGIN_SRC for me for now.
> That is why I use (require 'org-tempo).
> When I type:
> There is an unintendet indentation.
> I use TAB only for autocompletion. I don't need indentation and when I press
> Ente
Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> I suggest to keep current defaults. Because I have lot of Org files, if
>> changed, I have to do lot of
>> work to adopt files and might get wrong. It's very important.
> Org mode does not distinguish the _meaning_ of all keywords regardless
> of their case. Includin
Possible false alarm. As I continued to work on this, I accidentally
didn't use :results output code, yet the formatting was fine... I'm
wondering if I had a dangling #+begin_src with no matching end?
Still, I am intrigued by the toggle between prepending with ":" and
wrapping in example blocks, d
--text follows this line--
I am new to Org mode. it is enough #+BEGIN_SRC for me for now.
That is why I use (require 'org-tempo).
When I type:
There is an unintendet indentation.
I use TAB only for autocompletion. I don't need indentation and when I press Enter too.
Hi all,
I've been having an odd problem where if I try to change my text
scale on my org capture buffers, the scale keeps increasing, and
increases the scale on the parent of the indirect org-capture
buffer, on each capture.
I'm using org-mode 9.5, emacs 29.0.50.
Debugging into the issue,
Allen Li writes:
>> I agree. The question is whether changing to
>> (defvar org-id-link-to-org-use-id)
>> solves your problem.
> Thanks for your concern. By editing ob-tangle.el, I can confirm that
> changing this does solve my problem.
> If I must, I could provide a reproducible example, bu
Jan 14, 2022, 13:55 by
> fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> writes:
>> A problem with footnote is that only the [fn:1] gets coloured.
>> [fn:1] This is a footnote
> Are you talking about 1 in footnote¹ being colored when using LaTeX
> export?
> I suggest to keep current defaults. Because I have lot of Org files, if
> changed, I have to do lot of
> work to adopt files and might get wrong. It's very important.
Org mode does not distinguish the _meaning_ of all keywords regardless
of their case. Including src blocks and results. If it is
fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> A problem with footnote is that only the [fn:1] gets coloured.
> [fn:1] This is a footnote
Are you talking about 1 in footnote¹ being colored when using LaTeX
export? If so, it is a matter of your \hypersetup options.
> Have a
fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> The basic problem with footnote is the requirement for the footnote marker
> to be incolumn 0, no indentation allowed.
> Are there other altornatives? Any tags to change colour. Would need some
> examples.
You can use inline foo
Jan 14, 2022, 11:08 by
> writes:
>> but with the variation that the text is also within the square brackets
> You can use inline footnotes, but I'm afraid you couldn't stop using
> "fn" here (unless you hack the Org code). However you can us writes:
> but with the variation that the text is also within the square brackets
You can use inline footnotes, but I'm afraid you couldn't stop using
"fn" here (unless you hack the Org code). However you can use a
convention, something like:
Lorem[fn:mg1:blah blah blah]
> Thanks a lot for your work!
Thanks a lot for maintaining the wonderful Org package!
> Hope it helps.
Thanks, I've previously seen the video and it does help with figuring
out the issues with emacs-jupyter as it currently stands.
> Also, it appears that Jupyter is getting a lot of traction i
Jan 14, 2022, 09:39 by
> writes:
>> If I do something in emacs-lisp I would still need some form of
>> containment characters.
> I think a custom link would suffice for text within the paragraph. A
> quick example:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
Jan 14, 2022, 09:27 by
> fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> writes:
>> In org-mode one can use the emphasizing tags
>> *word* /word/ _word_
>> Is there anything to perform the opposite, playing down the text?
> No, there are no
Jan 14, 2022, 09:27 by
> fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> writes:
>> In org-mode one can use the emphasizing tags
>> *word* /word/ _word_
>> Is there anything to perform the opposite, playing down the text?
> No, there are no s
See attachment.
FSF copyright assignment is already completed
Description: Binary data
fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> In org-mode one can use the emphasizing tags
> *word* /word/ _word_
> Is there anything to perform the opposite, playing down the text?
No, there are no syntax elements in org mode to do this.
Part of the challenge he writes:
> If I do something in emacs-lisp I would still need some form of
> containment characters.
I think a custom link would suffice for text within the paragraph. A
quick example:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defface smaller
'((t :foreground "#8D8D84" :height 0.9))
Jan 14, 2022, 08:20 by
> writes:
>> I am discussing something slightly different.
>> Here is normal text within -which there is some understated text- before
>> continuing with normal text.
> Yes, it seems that I have understood you horribl
Jan 14, 2022, 08:20 by
> writes:
>> I am discussing something slightly different.
>> Here is normal text within -which there is some understated text- before
>> continuing with normal text.
> Yes, it seems that I have understood you horribl
I was perplexed when a table in my exported latex/pdf document came
out garbled, to find out it's being included like "normal text." In
another block with well-behaving output, I observed the same src
header args, but it was wrapped in #+begin/end_example for free,
without me trying.
H writes:
> I am discussing something slightly different.
> Here is normal text within -which there is some understated text- before
> continuing with normal text.
Yes, it seems that I have understood you horribly wrong, sorry for the
noise (it must be the effects of the t
Jan 14, 2022, 07:42 by
> fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes:
>> _a geographical region that corresponds to present-day Israel and Palestine_
I have used the _ for underlining. This could hove been misleading, because I
do not want
Jan 14, 2022, 07:42 by
> fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes:
>> _a geographical region that corresponds to present-day Israel and Palestine_
> In any case, from a strictly (ortho)typographical point of view this is a
> matter of nesting e
Jan 14, 2022, 07:22 by
> You might check out my scimax-editmarks package. You can create bracket
> syntax like that which can be fontified, e.g. made smaller, lighter, etc. to
> de-emphasize. It is not org-syntax, and uses a pre-processing step on export,
> but if all y
Jan 14, 2022, 07:19 by
> John Kitchin writes:
>> It depends on what you mean. I can't think of a standard markup for
>> de-emphasis. You could imply it with color perhaps, e.g. some shade of
>> grey, or size by making it smaller. At least for LaTex/HTML, both of
>> those
fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes:
> _a geographical region that corresponds to present-day Israel and Palestine_
In any case, from a strictly (ortho)typographical point of view this is a
matter of nesting emphasis. If what you want to do is highlight a word
within ano
You might check out my scimax-editmarks package. You can create bracket
syntax like that which can be fontified, e.g. made smaller, lighter, etc.
to de-emphasize. It is not org-syntax, and uses a pre-processing step on
export, but if all you want is visual syntax in org-mode, something like
this mi
John Kitchin writes:
> It depends on what you mean. I can't think of a standard markup for
> de-emphasis. You could imply it with color perhaps, e.g. some shade of
> grey, or size by making it smaller. At least for LaTex/HTML, both of
> those can be done. You would either need to use something li
Jan 14, 2022, 06:50 by
> Hi,
> fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes:
>> Is there anything to perform the opposite, playing down the text?
> Are you referring to nested emphasis, something like in LaTeX
> \emph{foo \emph{bar} baz}
> =
It depends on what you mean. I can't think of a standard markup for
de-emphasis. You could imply it with color perhaps, e.g. some shade of
grey, or size by making it smaller. At least for LaTex/HTML, both of those
can be done. You would either need to use something like a macro, or a link
for some
fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes:
> Is there anything to perform the opposite, playing down the text?
Are you referring to nested emphasis, something like in LaTeX
\emph{foo \emph{bar} baz}
= foo...baz in italic; bar in normal font?
Best regards,
Juan Manuel
In org-mode one can use the emphasizing tags
*word* /word/ _word_
Is there anything to perform the opposite, playing down the text?
On Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 15:41, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> Well, it seems that if you use ":imagemagick yes", the image is created
> with the `org-babel-latex-convert-pdf' function.
Indeed. I went to the code. Thank you. Everything is working like I
want it!
: Eric S Fraga, with org r
Eric S Fraga writes:
> This did it! Thank you. I am curious now to find out what tool was
> used instead... something for later today!
Well, it seems that if you use ":imagemagick yes", the image is created
with the `org-babel-latex-convert-pdf' function. I almost always use this
to create imag
On Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 11:17, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> Another possibility: please try adding the header arg. :imagemagick yes
This did it! Thank you. I am curious now to find out what tool was
used instead... something for later today!
Thanks again,
Professor Eric S Fraga, UC
Hi Eric,
Eric S Fraga writes:
> Both the same and the default value from org.
I'm not sure, but maybe the problem comes from the
\documentclass{article} in org-format-latex-header. Can you try
replacing that with "\\documentclass[varwidth]{standalone}"?
Another possibility: please try adding th
Hi Juan,
On Wednesday, 12 Jan 2022 at 17:22, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> Testing two possibilities:
> What (latex) code produces that image in the output *tex file of your book?
They both use the same LaTeX src block (as was in the attachment) which
creates an org link to the generated PDF or P
Hi all,
I am trying to process all of my TODOs in a script, and therefore use
~org-batch-agenda-csv~ to export them to CSV.
I am running into two problems:
1. It seems to be impossible to get deadline/schedule information for tasks
that have been marked as DONE and
2. There exists a ~type~ val
40 matches
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