Ian Eure writes:
> If you have a subtree of entries with :ID: properties and call M-x
> `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift' on it, an error occurs:
> Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
> This is due to the interaction of
> `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift' and `org-id-add-location'.
I want to make it easier for users to define custom non-inline blocks
(and operations on them). So I studied parsers in =org-element.el= and
stumbled upon the following seeming inconsistency:
Plists for =comment-block=, =example-block=, =export-block=, =src-block=
all have neither ~:contents-begin
Kyle Meyer writes:
> There's also a 'make single' target that compiles files separately. My
> understanding is that ideally its output should be free of warnings.
> Running that right before the commit above (f636cf91b^), there are a
> couple of warnings (at least one now resolved). There are a
"Ryan C. Thompson" writes:
> `org-eldoc-get-breadcrumb' in org-eldoc.el calls `org-get-outline-path'
> which is defined in org-refile.el, but org-eldoc does not load
> org-refile. This results in void-function errors when the Eldoc idle
> timer runs in an org buffer, unless you manually load or
Adam Porter writes:
> Kaushal Modi writes:
>> Failure 1: org-get-outline-path has moved, and not mentioned in ORG-NEWS
>> Compiling ox-hugo.el now gives:
>> ox-hugo.el:4284:1: Warning: the function ‘org-get-outline-path’ is not known
>> to be defined.
>> I see that defun has now move
If you have a subtree of entries with :ID: properties and call M-x
`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift' on it, an error occurs:
Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
This is due to the interaction of
`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift' and `org-id-add-location'.
When the former is called, it
On Wed, Apr 15 2020, Richard Lawrence wrote:
62 combinations might sound like a lot, but if you want your
commands to be mnemonic, you'll run out of options much more
So, I think the relevant question
is: how many different basic citation types are needed *within a