org-web-tools--html-to-org-with-pandoc is an interesting idea. I was
using elfeed-insert-html for this purpose.
Also, note that your capture may be messed up when the rss content
contains org-mode text. A real-case scenario from Stack Exchange rss:
> I'd like to find a way to jump to a
this works as expected:
#+begin_src latex :file foo.png :exports results :results file raw
Hello, crude world
foo.png is created in the org file's directory. Shouldn't the
following do the same, except with a pdf file?
#+begin_src latex :file foo.pdf :exports results :results
> Org 9.3.1, a bugfix release, is out.
Is this merged into emacs-27 branch?
stardiviner writes:
> I recently created an org-capture template for elfeed, it is finished. Now I
> have an idea is to refile it to all currently opened Org buffer files. So I
> created an function for ~org-refile-targets~ variable.
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun org-refile-targets-all-file
This is very interesting, thanks.
I will reference your code.
Bob Newell writes:
> I don't seem to have any trouble with org-eww-copy-for-org-mode. I
> capture with a capture template. The code below may be longer or more
> than you want, but it works for me.
> My capture template is this:
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> [offtopic]
>> I recently created an org-capture template for elfeed, it is finished.
> Could you share your capture template?
Sure, here it is:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; support Org Mode Capture template
(defun my/org-capture-elfeed-title ()
I improved command to get ride of =f.el= library function:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-refile-targets-all-files ()
"Use all currently opened Org buffer files as org-refile targets."
(mapcar 'buffer-file-name
(seq-filter ; filter Org buffers
(lambda (buffer)
-elpaplus @
I've been having this same issue - the issue is quite reproducible for me,
and it has been for years. I just finally grew tired of the issue and
decided to investigate it, and yes, the issue is org-agenda-show-new-time.
I also have invisible entries in the org buffer, and the call to
Hi all,
Org 9.3.1, a bugfix release, is out.
Frequently I publish org-mode documents containing source code blocks to html
(htmlize) and pdf (minted). I would like to see the same colors in both export
types. But
I cannot figure out, what’s the best way to achieve this.
Has anyone solved this problem? Are there any hints?
Frequently I publish org-mode documents containing source code blocks to html
(htmlize) and pdf (minted). I would like to see the same colors in both export
types. But
I cannot figure out, what’s the best way to achieve this.
Has anyone solved this problem? Are there any hints?
Frequently I publish org-mode documents containing source code blocks to html
(htmlize) and pdf (minted). I would like to see the same colors in both export
types. But
I cannot figure out, what’s the best way to achieve this.
Has anyone solved this problem? Are there any hints?
> -Original Message-
> From: Roland Everaert
> Sent: den 23 december 2019 14:32
> To: Gustav Wikström
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Idea] Org Collections
> Have you had a look at org-brain. I don't use is much, but there are some
> overlapping functionnality to merge,
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