After EMC testing, the latest commit " 04d2828ad org: Fix verbatim block
fontification to end blocks on headlines " break the inline image preview
If possible, I think Org Mode should add test for inline image.
[ stardiviner ]
I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want
> That's a very elegant way to add the threading!
Thanks for kind words.
> The performance penalty
> is noticeable, but the tradeoff could be worth it in some cases, like a
> background agenda refresh on a timer, or after a "remote" edit. I can
> imagine an org-agenda-refresh-async command that
On Thursday, November 28, 2019, David Masterson
> My use-case is this:
> I'd like to use Org to write up *all* the information about my family
> life (so to speak) including medical histories of my family, issues with
> the house, bank accounts, financial information, etc., so that my fam