I intend to use org-drill for learning vocabulary (german-spanish). Does anybody know a repository of such a vocabulary?
As far as I know the inner workings of org-drill are placed in the :PROPERTIES: section of the item. When I use :DRILL_CARD_TYPE: twosided then the item gets questio
I forgot to mention that I have PROJECT tag as not inheritable:
(setq org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance (quote ("PROJECT")))
And here's the agenda custom-command addition:
("2" "List projects with tasks" my/org-agenda-projects-and-tasks
((org-agenda-max-entries 3))
Hello all,
I found this cool snippet at Sacha Chua's website: [1].
It creates an agenda view with headings marked with tag "project",
and for each of those headings, it displays up to 3 sub headings marked
I like this idea of seeing my projects (plus a few TODO entries under each