Dear Michael,
> ... I want self-explaining links with the already existing and
> complete heading structure and don't want to add any ID, CUSTOM_ID or
> <>. See this example:
I am wondering why you are strictly against ID properties.
The IDs can be set automatically. The property drawer can be h
Misc changes:
- Assume Emacsā„22 (we're using defvaralias already anyway).
- Try to make sure -function only contain functions (and never nil).
- Use define-minor-mode and define-derived-mode.
- Use command remapping.
- Initialize map from within its definition.
- Use suppress-keymap.
There'd be m
Thanks a lot!
-- Christian
On Mon, May 06 2019, William Denton wrote:
On 6 May 2019, Christian Lynbech wrote:
> What determines at what level LaTeX export goes from sections to
> enumerations?
According to this, by default it's three level
Did you already decide against graphviz? Admittedly it is only
graphs and not "diagrams"... but it's very powerful and there is
art in using a simple tool to make your life complex :)
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file test-dot.png :exports results
digraph D {
Humanities -> {"Computing Tools
Matt Price wrote/hat geschrieben on/am 06.05.2019 19:17:
So, I'm finding more and more that I want to include simple diagrams in my
course materials. At present I am generating them as svg's using Inkscape,
but that feels really tiresome to me. I would much rather make them
programmatically, pref
So, I'm finding more and more that I want to include simple diagrams in my
course materials. At present I am generating them as svg's using Inkscape,
but that feels really tiresome to me. I would much rather make them
programmatically, preferably including the source code as an org-mode block.
I t
Hi all
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 7:58 AM Michael Brand
> ,(arbitrarily more levels upwards)
> , * [...]
> ,*
> , *
> ,* TODO
> , * :5:
> ,- The tag 5 is my rating of this audio recording.
> ,- The audio r
On 6 May 2019, Christian Lynbech wrote:
What determines at what level LaTeX export goes from sections to
According to this, by default it's three levels of sections, then it turns into
But H in the export setting
I made some progress. I can generate agendas where each todo shows how
many sub-tasks it has:
Emacs ideas
< 3> Emacs: TODO [#0] show context of subtasks in agenda
< 1> Emacs: TODO [#0] fixate gnus structure
< 1> Emacs: TODO [#2] kungsgetens