Hi Cecil,
On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 03:23:17 +0200
Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> It has to do with the data. With the following I can reproduce it:
> #+BEGIN_SRC sqlite :db ~/testingOrgBabel.sqlite :colnames yes
> ;
> CREATE TABLE "quotes" (
> quoteID TEXT
Cody Goodman writes:
> I would like to be able to create N indirect buffers per subtree because I
> like working on each subtree in it's own eyebrowse workspace. Does anyone
> already do this? I didn't see config options to achieve what I wanted, so
> wanted to ask here before I look at the indir
I would like to be able to create N indirect buffers per subtree because I
like working on each subtree in it's own eyebrowse workspace. Does anyone
already do this? I didn't see config options to achieve what I wanted, so
wanted to ask here before I look at the indirect buffer implementation to
Dear Ben
> ben lamothe writes:
> Thanks for the suggestion. I did try out
> `ido-completing-read-plus`, but it's too aggressive for me. It
> tries to enable ido *everywhere*, including the interface for
> `M-x`. I just want to enable it for org-mode specific
> completions.
Thanks for the suggestion. I did try out `ido-completing-read-plus`, but
it's too aggressive for me. It tries to enable ido *everywhere*, including
the interface for `M-x`. I just want to enable it for org-mode specific
completions. Basically, I want replicate exactly the functionality that was