i used to be able to do (setq org-duration-format '(("h" . nil)
(special . 2)) to get decimal hours for clocking, like 43.22h meaning
43 hours and 22/60 minutes.
in recent org maint, this seems to show up like 2d 11:22.
perhaps user error? what i really want is decimal hours for
I start emacs with
emacs -Q -l .emacs.debug
where the file .emacs.debug contains only
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/cochard/Org/Coch-git/org-mode/lisp")
Emacs : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.18.9) of 2016-04-11 on buildvm-25.phx2.fedo
I've just learnt how to do table of contents for an org-mode file.
I'm working on one file that is exported to latex and then built into a
pdf document, where I've got several level 1 headings that I don't want
to export to latex so I've tagged them as :NOEXPORT:. However I do want
to include the
> Check the value of org-log-into-drawer?
It is a first time use for me.
The default behaviour is fine.
The following places in the documentation
should line up in agreement:
*info* (org) Drawers
*Help* C-c C-z (org-add-note)
maybe add a footnote about org-log-into-drawer?
Check the value of org-log-into-drawer?
Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.13-753-g2ec5d3
I find the note is placed above the LOGBOOK drawer and not added to inside as
— quote
If you want to store a quick note in the LOGBOOK
drawer, in a similar way to state changes, use
‘C-c C-z’
Add a time-stamped note to the LOGBOOK drawer.
— quote ends
— quote