Forget the noise; it appears to be a gremlin attack - a ) not }. I don't
recall even opening the file since it was last exported.
On 04/13/2017 03:10 PM, Charles Millar wrote:
This past December the following exported with no problem (I have not
exported a table of any type since then)
* Tes
This past December the following exported with no problem (I have not
exported a table of any type since then)
* TestTableExport :ignoreheading:
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: /mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/testthetable
#+LATEX_COMPILER: pdflatex
#+LATEX_CLASS: koma-article
On Thursday, 13 Apr 2017 at 01:18, Bala Ramadurai wrote:
> Hello All,
> I tried my hand with gnuplot yesterday on my windows machine
> (Windows 10; Emacs 24.5.1; Org 8.3.4) and I keep getting the error
> "Searching for program: no such file or directory: gnuplot".
You probably need to install gn