I actually thought of the same xkcd comic when I finally figured out
what was going on. The original name was "full_precision_recall_test".
It took some time to isolate the problem.
> This reminds me of https://www.xkcd.com/327/
Changelog is a great tool, but with some org-mode love, it could be even
better. Or, perhaps better yet, has anyone implemented something like
changelog in org-mode?
I've wondered about this for years. Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Alan Davis
[I do not] carry such information in m
I am exporting Org to Markdown, and when used with:
What is GNU CLISP?
then the validator https://validator.w3.org/ is telling:
Warning: The name attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an id attribute on
the nearest container instead.
>From line 382, column 23; to line 382, column 4
* lisp/org-clock.el (org-clocktable-write-default): Align formula
column in clock tables.
Here is an ECM:
* foo
** sub
CLOCK: [2017-03-18 Sat 15:00]--[2017-03-18 Sat 15:15] => 0:15
** sub2
CLOCK: [2017-03-18 Sat 15:15]--[2017-03-18 Sat
On Friday, 17 Mar 2017 at 19:32, John Kitchin wrote:
> I can not reproduce all the things you report.
Hi John,
But you did reproduce most so it's not my imagination :-)
> I think part of the problem is [calc:]. I have to have at least two
> characters of path to get a link that is colored.
Samuel Wales writes:
> in recent maint:
> i get "clock start time is gone" pretty frequently.
> i do org-clock-cancel. this stops the clock but does
> not fix the dangling clock.
> to fix the dangling clock, i try clocking in or out.
> i then get clock resolution menu (k, K, etc
Alan Schmitt writes:
> Hello Eric,
> On 2017-03-09 07:23, Eric S Fraga writes:
>> On Wednesday, 8 Mar 2017 at 12:55, Alan Schmitt wrote:
>> [...]
>>> I would like to use `org-agenda-goto', but without splitting the frame.
>>> In other words, I want to destination to be the one
Rasmus writes:
>> Since environments do not necessary start with \begin{...}, I think the
>> following is better
>> (and (string-match ...)
>>(match-string ...))
> Don't the element `latex-environment' always start \begin{.}?
> Cf. org-element--latex-begin-environment.
Skip Collins writes:
> I am editing some Perl. When I export any source block that includes
> the word "call" in the name, it causes the verbatim formatting to be
> dropped. This happens with both html and latex exports. The problem
> does not seem to be limited to Perl. A minimal example