I cannot reproduce either problem, though I seem to remember some
difficulty with changing date fields in the past. What Org version are
you using?
You can turn the use of date fields in LibreOffice on or off with
org-odt-use-date-fields. With date fields set to t:
- Setting :EXPORT_DATE: in the
I am able to 'remember' text with highlighting the text required, and
copying it to the clipboard, and then "C-c r" remembers it, and shows in
its popup buffer that I need to "C-c C-c" to copy/move it to my remember
storage file. Except, the last bit doesn't work for me, instead it
calls the "Tag"
> Well, ledger and hledger are different tools that use the same (very
> similar) data files. The invocation of each is different. org supports
> ledger out of the box but not hledger.
I prefer beancount (very similar to ledger but stricter): beancount supports
org out of the box! My beanc
On 2014-11-05, at 08:43, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> Marcin Borkowski writes:
>> as I've said some time ago, I'm working on a custom exporter. What I'd
>> like to achieve is differentiating between lists – essentially, I'd like
>> a list to translate to something like this:
org-element-context yields:
(paragraph (:begin 6145 :end 6166 :contents-begin 6145 :contents-end 6165
:post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 6145 ...))
After relaoding org:
(link (:type "textcite" :path "Hobart2003" :raw-link "textcite:Hobart2003"
:application nil :search-option nil :begin 6145 ...))
mcg writes:
> I use inline code for simple calculations to insert numeric results into
> text apart from "normal" code blocks for more complex calculations and
> graphics (all in R).
> The :results replace option is not working for inline code, even if I
> explicitly set it in the cod
Mario Frasca writes:
> but we are circumventing it here, so let's see if I manage to respect
> the orgmode rules...
Almost. TINYCHANGE should appear at the end of the commit message. Also,
sentences need to be separated by two spaces.
Anyway, I pushed your patches. Thanks for your work.
York Zhao writes:
> Needlessly to say that `org-mode' is fantastic, but with this issue, I have to
> say that `org-mode' is unhealthy. Therefore, I really hope this issue gets
> addressed. Please let me know what I can do to help.
With your initial file, benchmarking a C-c C-c on the last table,
Christopher Dannheim writes:
> the variable org-link does contain 'textcite' (as well as all other bibtex
> and biblatex link types defined by org-ref/reftex).
> org-link-types is a variable defined in `org.el'.
> Its value is
> ("http" ... "citep*" "citealt" "citealt*" "citealp" "citealp*" "ci
On 2014-11-07 11:16, Thorsten Jolitz writes:
>> I'll seize this opportunity to ask about this: I have my emacs init file
>> in outshine syntax, and inside it there are several links (to info
>> pages, to gnus messages, and so on). They look great and can be acted
>> upon in org mode, but not so g
> Christian Moe :
> Does setting the subtree's :EXPORT_DATE: property to the date of the
> meeting do what you're looking for?
Nope. Still outputs the date of the export.
And since writing the posting I've discovered another annoying property
of the date: it will switch to the current date
It seems that there is nothing in place to allow the text inside blocks like:
from having its face customized. It is possible to do this with quote and
verse blocks, only not comment blocks. Would it be sensible to have a
"default" block face which applies to *
On Friday, 7 Nov 2014 at 19:53, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> having a play with it over the weekend. And I reckon that I will be
> keeping my own instruction docs which might be able to be used to setup
> another tutorial later on, but lets try walking before running
> though! :)
> Sharon.
>> > I learned that the hard way when I had one table - four columns, three
>> > simple
>> > addition formulas with about 1,000 entries. It seemed an eternity before
>> > the
>> > addition was completed.
>> I guess the "entries" here mean the table rows right? Please confirm.
> You are correc
On 11/04/2014 10:33 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Mario Frasca writes:
>> being the comment in the subject field of an email, it can't be a
>> multiline comment, can it?
> First line is a summary and cannot exceed 72 (or is it 68? I cannot
> remember) characters. You need to start with a capi
Sebastien Vauban
> One question, now that this syntax is stabilized, can the following
> long-standing bug be fixed: sometimes the SCHEDULED line (or DEADLINE,
> or ...) is moved synchronously with the heading when promoting/demoting,
> sometimes not.
> I found in which cases
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Sebastien Vauban writes:
>> In the agenda view, when filtering for the tasks marked `work' (through
>> `/ w') [1], I get the following error:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp
>> #("{\\<\\(?:work\\)\\>}" 0 16 (grouptag t)))
> This
17 matches
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