Hi Charles,
thanks a lot for this useful writeup! I am linking to it from the
tutorials page.
- Carsten
On Jan 6, 2008, at 1:22 AM, Charles Cave wrote:
Fellow org-moders
I have written an article on implementng the Natural Project Planning
with org-mode. This is a simplified project
Following on from a recent post about displaying
phases of the moon in the agenda buffer, I explored
the other diary functions.
I added the following two lines to my primary org-mode file.
Now the Agenda displays sunrise, sunset and phases of th
Fellow org-moders
I have written an article on implementng the Natural Project Planning
with org-mode. This is a simplified project planning method
described by David Allen in his book "Getting Things Done".
I have discussed how to do Brainstorming using org-mode and some
idea prompting meth
I am having some trouble with org-store-link on some messages in
Wanderlust. The common feature of these messages is that their
"message id" is broken across two lines, as in:
Here is what I get when I do "org-store-link" and then
Could someone kindly explain what is wrong.
FYI, I am using emacs on Ubuntu 7.10.
Sorry not any direct help, but remember works fine on my Ubuntu 7.10
here. As Carsten suggests it's probably a version/config problem.
Emacs-orgmode mai