Welcome back Carsten,
I hope you enjoyed your well-deserved vacation.
#1 is a bug, #2 and #3 are feature requests (both of which sound
familiar; apologies if they've been mentioned before).
1. Type "- " at the beginning of a blank buffer and then press M-RET.
On my system it stalls but if you pr
"Egli Christian (KIRO 41)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Yes. Is there an easy way to create HTML that allows outline folding?
>> Would be nice for this application.
> Do you mean something along the line of
> http://freemind.sourceforge.net/PublicMaps-exported.html?
I just stumble on thi
Hello, Crasten, everybody,
I found a typo in org.el v5.04 "l" instead of "L"
for creating a timeline for the current buffer
(see the patch file).
Then I ask you to remove the feature (I asked you to add
!-): the five "-" that are exported in HTML as
(see the patch file).
Well, I think tha