>> The one thing I miss is having finished tasks show in a gray font
>> with a line through it. Unfinished tasks are much easier to see in a
>> long list of tasks that way. How can I duplicate this in Org-Mode?
> You can customize most of the org-mode faces. For t
This is a minor concern, but I was reminded of it because of the
posting asking about setting fonts for DONE items.
Does anyone else have any problem using color themes defined with
color-theme.el along with org-mode buffers? Whenever I apply a color
theme, org-mode buffers lose all of their face
> M-x org-customize then browse your way to Org Font Lock->Org Faces->Org
> Done
This will just change the font for the "DONE" keyword. If you want to
strike through the whole headline:
(setq org-fontify-done-headline t)
'(org-done ((t (:foreground