With point on a nested heading, is there a way to show just the
hierarchy above?
Here's the scenario: I have the following in an org file:
* Team Meeting <2006-09-20 Wed> 3pm
** Discuss Project Foo
*** TODO Ask about latest results
With the top heading collapsed so that the two below are hidden,
On Sep 14, 2006, at 18:10, Peter BARABAS wrote:
Also, in the todo view tags are not fontified. Is it intentional?
How and why would you want them fontified?
In the org-mode buffer the tags have the same color as the text, e.g.
* Foo :foo:
:foo: is blue and bo
Hi Eric,
thanks for the detailed report - this will be fixed in 4.50.
- Carsten
On Sep 18, 2006, at 20:47, Eric J Haywiser wrote:
Some months ago, I inquired about rendering bracket links in the
org-agenda view. This now *almost* works, kudos
to ?Carsten? and/or the others wh