Are you familiar with the annotations feature of Mac OS X Preview app? It does
essentially what you describe. I use it all the time to quickly annotate
screenshots or pdfs.
> On Feb 14, 2014, at 3:41, Pepijn de Vos wrote:
> Another random idea, that is not a ripof
In my humble opinion, elementary should strongly consider adding bitcoin as a
donation option. It is very easy to make a donation from anyone in the world
with bitcoin. Other payment options are more difficult.
By the way, there was a thread on r/elementaryos about bitcoin donations, and
it had
I believe it. Thanks for the heads-up on the keynote, please let me know when
it's uploaded.
On 5 February 2014, at 10:43 , Sergey Shnatsel Davidoff wrote:
> Tristan, it's not that simple and fact is, Debian or even the upstream
> projects are unlikely to be NSA-proof.
t; We are using Ubuntu as a base, we don't ship
> ubuntu-desktop and honestly that's where most of the criticism to
> Ubuntu's lack of privacy concerns lies - the Amazon in the Dash
> thing. We don't have that, so I don't really see how switching to
> Debian wou
Very nice! I have been looking into firefox OS myself. I'd love to use a phone
that has open source as its base.
I looked into the blackphone, but unfortunately they seem to be more of the
same - their recent update to the FAQ on their website actually makes me
completely forget about them now.
Glad you touched on security & privacy concerns. I am new to the elementary dev
community, but I am wondering if there has been any talk among the team in this
regard. I was drawn to elementary for its simplicity and beauty but at the same
time I have strong concerns about security and p
On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Tristan Petersen
I have just recently joined this list and am eager to help out this
I have had a lot of experience with Perl and C in the past, but I
have not used them for a while and am very rusty there. I'
I have just recently joined this list and am eager to help out this
I have had a lot of experience with Perl and C in the past, but I have
not used them for a while and am very rusty there. I've also toyed
around a bit with Mac OS X and iOS development (but have never m
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