Hey folks,
Good news! If you're using the GNOME 3 Staging PPA, you now have popovers!
As of Gtk 3.11.5 they are available and I've just pushed theming support to
egtk trunk.
So give them a spin :) If your app is using Granite.Popover, it's a good
time to check and make sure GtkPopover does everyt
Sounds like a bug for me. As we are anyway need a better way of
getting the wallpaper and it's properties, we can also fix that. The
only thing is that i'm not sure if it's still valid. I think arch
doesn't ship a patched accountservice/gnome-settings-daemon and i
remember i have a login-wallpaper
There are a few issues (these are all relevant to Sid or Jessie, and
not necessarily Wheezy):
* systemd dependency: gnome[-settings-daemon] recently started to
depend on systemd (in Debian, upstream still has CK, etcetera code as
an option), and elementary's dependence on GNOME and gnome sessi
On 02/05/2014 07:32 PM, Daniel Foré wrote:
> That's not a bad idea even for just being able to package pantheon on
> Debian. I wonder if we can get someone with a Debian system to try
> installing Pantheon and see what issues they encounter
Packaging Pantheon isn't the big problem as far as I can
Hasn't the ZTE Open a higher-clocked chip of the Desire C and it seem
to performs worse than the Android with the bloaty Sense-UI-stack?
Don't want to start a flamewar but 99% of the Firefox OS talk is
currently circlejerking ;)
- Raphael
2014-02-05 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff :
> Oh, I also got t
Hey Raphael,
That's not a bad idea even for just being able to package pantheon on Debian. I
wonder if we can get someone with a Debian system to try installing Pantheon
and see what issues they encounter
Daniel Foré
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Raphael Isemann
Debian's installer is really really bad. Fixing that or porting ubiquity
would be a feat.
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Tristan Petersen wrote:
> Sergey
> I believe it. Thanks for the heads-up on the keynote, please let me know
> when it's uploaded.
> Cheers,
> Tristan
> On 5 Februar
I believe it. Thanks for the heads-up on the keynote, please let me know when
it's uploaded.
On 5 February 2014, at 10:43 , Sergey Shnatsel Davidoff wrote:
> Tristan, it's not that simple and fact is, Debian or even the upstream
> projects are unlikely to be NSA-proof.
As we are on the topic: What bugs are left before one could run the
whole elementary software stack on debian? I think the indicators
where one major problem. Would be cool if someone (*looks at
shnatsel*) could write up what is missing and we file some bugs with a
"debian" tag. Mainly because it i
Tristan, it's not that simple and fact is, Debian or even the upstream
projects are unlikely to be NSA-proof. You should really watch the
recording of "NSA operation ORCHESTRA" keynote from FOSDEM as soon as it's
Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ele
2014-02-05 Tristan Petersen :
> Very nice! I have been looking into firefox OS myself. I'd love to use a
> phone that has open source as its base.
Have you looked into Jolla's Sailfish? They haven't released the UI code
yet but they are very open-source-friendly and upstream all their
Hello David,
Good morning!
I can see how it wouldn't be so easy to switch, and I don't think it would be
an easy affair either.
Well the benefit from switching in my opinion would be at least switching to a
more open and transparent code-review process. debian seems to be more
community focus
Very nice! I have been looking into firefox OS myself. I'd love to use a phone
that has open source as its base.
I looked into the blackphone, but unfortunately they seem to be more of the
same - their recent update to the FAQ on their website actually makes me
completely forget about them now.
>In that regard, I am wondering if the team has discussed switching to
debian as the base
Yes, it has been discussed a few times, usually for other reasons
It's not as simple as editing base="ubuntu" to base="debian", and
unfortunately, most of the people who ask us for it seem to thi
Glad you touched on security & privacy concerns. I am new to the elementary dev
community, but I am wondering if there has been any talk among the team in this
regard. I was drawn to elementary for its simplicity and beauty but at the same
time I have strong concerns about security and p
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