Hi all,
I'm trying to test a PR locally (current DSpace 9.x branch) following the
instructions as
per https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACE/Testing+DSpace+Github+Pull+Requests.
When trying to rebuild the backed via this command as per the instructions,
I get the error below:
docker compose
hello everyone
I have an error 500 when i tried to access to dspace
eventhough i change the local.cfg configuration of dspace and
but the problem still didn't resolved could someone had an idead about this
issue and he want to share it with and i'll be thankul for him
Just in general, if you do have Media Viewer enabled, how has it been
working for you so far on a production server? It's easy to enable, and we
have it running on a QA server so far. Before we enable it on our
production server though, we just wanted to ask the community whether any
Our default Spring Boot settings in local.cfg restrict the maximum file
upload size to the default 512 MB, same for the size of multipart
requests. I'm not sure whether we want to give our users the default
privilege to upload larger files. Is there any existing way to enable only
Hi, i installed dspace 8, tomcat is working solr too but url
localhost:4000 give me 500 error
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Hi, I have dspace 7.6.2 and I need to enable the special groups for
authentication with oidc.
Before I had installed version 7.4 cris and when I enabled the
configuration in the authentication-password.cfg file the special group
with oidc worked.
I have configured all my items with that group
/dspace/bin/dspace test-email
from system to know the excatly error
في الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2024 في تمام الساعة 4:37:17 م UTC+3، كتب Marshal
Phiri رسالة نصها:
> Good day.I have managed to configure the email for Dspace as below:
> mousepad */dspace/config/dspace.cfg*
> However if we register