ttm_write_lock uninterruptible sleep

2013-01-06 Thread Konstantin Belousov
In ttm_write_lock(), for the interruptible sleep, the __ttm_write_lock() is used as the sleep predicate. On the other hand, for the uninterruptible case, __ttm_read_lock() is evaluated. It seems that the code was not changed since the initial import at the end of 2009. Shouldn't both cases use the

ttm_write_lock uninterruptible sleep

2013-01-06 Thread Konstantin Belousov
In ttm_write_lock(), for the interruptible sleep, the __ttm_write_lock() is used as the sleep predicate. On the other hand, for the uninterruptible case, __ttm_read_lock() is evaluated. It seems that the code was not changed since the initial import at the end of 2009. Shouldn't both cases use the