[Dovecot] %d is empty

2008-09-20 Thread rihad
TECTED] +OK pass 123456 -ERR Authentication failed. quit +OK Logging out Connection closed by foreign host. MySQL query log shows: 080919 21:19:514 Query SELECT CONCAT(username, '@', d.name) AS user, password FROM users u JOIN domains d ON u.domain_id=d.id WHERE username='

Re: [Dovecot] %d is empty

2008-09-22 Thread rihad
Timo Sirainen wrote: On Sat, 2008-09-20 at 13:44 +0500, rihad wrote: user [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. Further investigation revealed that %u is just rihad and not [EMAIL PROTECTED] Any hints? You're dropping the domain somewhere. Maybe in auth_username_format? If you can't fix it,

Re: [Dovecot] %d is empty

2008-09-22 Thread rihad
Timo Sirainen wrote: On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 23:17 +0500, rihad wrote: auth default: username_format: %Ln Why did you set this? You're the second person already having this problem recently. Is there some HOWTO or something recommending to do this? Use %Lu instead. It ain'