Hi Joseph
On 07/24/2017 04:51 AM, Joseph Tam wrote:> You are essentially writing your own
backend by taking over
> authentication. You'll be accepting user/password inputs into your
> checkpassword executable, then use the LDAP API (or some other system...snip
> and source address, which will be
Hi Daniel,
I'm new to dovecot myself, but did you read this:
I'm guessing that perhaps you need to configure your virtual transport?
So, in master.cf, include a line like:
dovecot unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vmail
ck to the list.
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:51 AM, mourik jan c heupink <
heup...@merit.unu.edu> wrote:
please reply to the list
On 3/14/2013 11:38 AM, Daniel Reinhardt wrote:
Yes I have read everything on that, and yet postfix does not even see
the dovecot virtual transport.
On Thu, M