[sieve] Restrict redirects to own domain only

2018-10-16 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Hello list, I'd like to let my colleagues redirect mail automatically (via a sieve filter) to other mailboxes within the same domain, but deny redirects to outside domains (gmail, yahoo etc.) since this could lead to blacklisting (forwarding spam for example). If I set sieve_max_redirect to 0 th

[sieve] Restrict redirects to only own domain

2018-10-16 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Hello list, I'd like to let my colleagues redirect mail automatically (via a sieve filter) to other mailboxes within the same domain, but deny redirects to outside mailboxes (gmail, yahoo etc.) since this is considered bad practice and could lead to blacklisting (forwarding spam for example).

Re: [sieve] Restrict redirects to own domain only

2018-10-16 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Thanks Ralph but I don't fully understand how could this prevent them from forwarding to any other domain by other means, for example by using a managesieve-able client Yassine. On 10/16/18 12:37, Ralph Seichter wrote: On 16.10.18 12:48, Yassine Chaouche wrote: I'd like

Re: Problem enabling the mail_log plugin

2021-02-09 Thread Yassine Chaouche
I have expunge in mail_log_events   mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete mailbox_rename Yassine Le 2/8/21 à 5:03 AM, Mike Quigley a écrit : I need to track some issues with deleted messages so I have been trying to set up the mail_log plugin.  I have Dovecot v2..2

Re: Problem enabling the mail_log plugin

2021-02-09 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 2/9/21 à 11:41 AM, Yassine Chaouche a écrit : I have expunge in mail_log_events   mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete mailbox_rename Yassine Oh yes and copy, because when you delete mail in roundcube it actually copies it to the trash then expunge it from where

Re: Problem enabling the mail_log plugin

2021-02-09 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 2/8/21 à 5:03 AM, Mike Quigley a écrit :  I see so difference in /var/log/mail.info & /var/log/syslog Did you configure it to use syslog ? my config puts dovecot logs in /var/log/dovecot Yassine.

Re: Messages sent to alias+detail end up in INBOX

2021-02-18 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Yo Denis, As bjoern and Anton already said, you need a sieve script that has a rule that says every mail that has the "detail" keyword in the "to" header must go to the "detail" folder. It works with static values. But I don't know if you can dynmicaly create folders with the "detail" part put i

Re: Messages sent to alias+detail end up in INBOX

2021-02-18 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 2/18/21 à 2:08 PM, Darac Marjal a écrit : What I use is: if envelope :detail :regex "to" "(.+)" {     set :upperfirst :lower "detail" "${1}";     fileinto :create "Tagged/${detail}";     stop; } Which says "if the envelope detail is not empty, copy it to a variable called 'detail' and titl

Re: Messages sent to alias+detail end up in INBOX

2021-02-21 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Could it be postfix's cleanup / trivial-rewrite getting in the way and rewriting headers  ? Yassine -- admin sysweb. Le 2/18/21 à 9:10 PM, m...@shadrinden.ru a écrit : On Thu, 18 Feb 2021 14:57:19 -0500 Daryl Richards wrote: Do you have propagate_unmatched_extensions turned on? http://www.p

Re: Messages sent to alias+detail end up in INBOX

2021-02-21 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Did you disable enable_original_recipient and have postfix <= 3.2 ? (I had to do this for a deduplication problem) http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#enable_original_recipient Yassine -- admin sysweb. Le 2/21/21 à 10:22 AM, Yassine Chaouche a écrit : Could it be postfix's

Re: migrating users to new server, dsync ?

2021-03-02 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/2/21 à 2:48 AM, Voytek Eymont a écrit : > I have Dovecot 2.3.13 on new server, 2.3.11 on 'old' server,Centos 6, > old server still has a couple domains and about a dozen users, what's a > the best way to migrate user mailboxes to new server (Maildir), use > 'dsync' , is that the way to do it

Re: t/s expired cert error

2021-03-02 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Looks fine from my side, both on pop3s ychaouche#ychaouche-PC 13:58:25 ~ $ openssl s_client -connect*995* -CApath /etc/ssl/certs CONNECTED(0003) depth=2 O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root C

Re: t/s expired cert error

2021-03-03 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/2/21 à 9:04 PM, Arjen de Korte a écrit : Citeren Voytek Eymont : On Wed, March 3, 2021 1:17 am, Yassine Chaouche wrote: hmm, just tried this, 110/143 gives error, 995/993 doesn't: I'll try changing in TB to SSL/TLS not StartTLS, 995 or 993, etc, and, see if error go

Re: t/s expired cert error

2021-03-03 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/2/21 à 9:02 PM, Matthias Kneer a écrit : # echo | openssl s_client -connect emu.sbt.net.au:110 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout  -enddate unable to load certificate 139830305752976:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE Your

Re: Why Last-login?

2021-03-03 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/3/21 à 12:57 PM, @lbutlr a écrit : I've noticed several threads over the last year or so about last-login, and I was curious WHY people care about tracking this in the database. I can see wanting to know if a user has logged in recently, but this seems quite easy to tell by simply looking

Re: Why Last-login?

2021-03-03 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/3/21 à 1:33 PM, Yassine Chaouche a écrit : What about mbox files ? -- Yassine. An alternative would be looking into the dovecot logs, but those are neceassrily time bound. So either keep very large amounts of logs, or store just the login info (much shorter) in the db. -- Yassine.

Re: Why Last-login?

2021-03-04 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/3/21 à 8:16 PM, @lbutlr a écrit : On 03 Mar 2021, at 05:33, Yassine Chaouche wrote: Am I missing some reason I would need/want to keep track of that specific login time separately? What about mbox files ? Is anyone foolish enough to use mbox in 2021? You also have dovecot's va

Re: Why Last-login?

2021-03-04 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/4/21 à 10:00 AM, Greg Wildman a écrit : E.g. inspecting a mailbox config ('X' used to replace private data) Mailbox : xx...@xxx.co.za Created : 2020-08-18 17:45:34 Description : X Quota : 8G, used 6.3 GiB (78%)

Re: Mailbox configuration questions

2021-03-06 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 3/6/21 à 8:36 PM, justina colmena ~biz a écrit : KMail always seems to put sent mail into a local "sent-mail" folder, rather than the IMAP Sent folder associated with the sending account. (KMail and Thunderbird have a more POP-oriented architecture for the desktop, whereas Trojitá is exclusi

Re: cannot see my mails

2021-04-26 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 4/26/21 à 10:22 AM, Jean-Max Reymond a écrit : > Hi, > After a change of server, I cannot see my mails. postfix is OK and I > receive emails. If I send emails, with roundcube or thunderbird, I > can seethese new sent emails. Access rights seems OK. Dovecot with > debug trace does not complain.

Re: cannot see my mails

2021-04-26 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 4/26/21 à 10:22 AM, Jean-Max Reymond a écrit : > After a change of server When you changed servers, did you copy the contents of (probably) /var/vmail/ from the old server to the new server ? this is usually where e-mails are stored. You can also use imap-sync from old to new server. This sho

Re: Sieve Auth failing (ignore previous message please)

2021-04-28 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 4/28/21 à 7:42 AM, Dan Egli a écrit : For some reason my sieve daemon won't allow people to log on. Dan Egli >From my Test Server 1/ Are dovecot-sieve and dovecot-managesieved installed ? # dpkg-query -W  dovecot-managesieved dovecot-sieve 2/ Is there something listening on the sieve po

Re: Problem with Log-File

2021-05-03 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 5/3/21 à 4:19 AM, Volf, Ronald (IRV) a écrit : Our Dir-Structure is: (for testing, we changed all to mod 777)     2021-05-03 04:29:32 IRV-20210501-V02-rvh:~ # dir -d /var/  /var/log/ /var/log/IRV_MdM/ /var/log/IRV_MdM/Dovecot_main.log     drwxrwxrwx 11 root    root 4096 2021-04-30 20:36:

Re: disable pop3 ports?

2021-05-04 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 5/4/21 à 9:25 AM, Christian Kivalo a écrit : On 2021-05-04 10:20, Dan Egli wrote: Already did all of that. like I said, EVERY instance of pop3 in the entire config set is commented out. Then please post the output of doveconf -n. Seems there is still something left. The list of installed

Re: Can't figure out why managesieve (pigeonhole) can't connect

2022-11-23 Thread Yassine Chaouche
hello Colin, is anything listening on that port? you might find lsof and netstat helpful. also, if roundcube and dovecot are on different servers, you might want to check a network cnx to the managesieve port. cnx refused often means nothing is listening or firewall is filtering. Yassine. L

Re: Can't figure out why managesieve (pigeonhole) can't connect

2022-11-23 Thread Yassine Chaouche
also make sure your are editing config.php and not config.inc.php (which you pasted) Yassine. Le 23 novembre 2022 8:30:36 PM GMT+01:00, Yassine Chaouche a écrit : >good. we have established that the problem shouldn't be on dovecot's side. i >suspect roundcube is miscon

Re: Can't figure out why managesieve (pigeonhole) can't connect

2022-11-23 Thread Yassine Chaouche
h the same machine and another machine, so i think that >has to mean managesieve is listening, correct? > >On 2022-11-23 04:09, Yassine Chaouche wrote: > >> hello Colin, >> >> is anything listening on that port? >> you might find lsof and netstat helpful. >>

Re: Can't figure out why managesieve (pigeonhole) can't connect

2022-11-27 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 11/23/22 à 11:27 PM, Benny Pedersen a écrit : Yassine Chaouche skrev den 2022-11-23 20:35: also make sure your are editing config.php and not config.inc.php (which you pasted

Re: Can't figure out why managesieve (pigeonhole) can't connect

2022-11-27 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Host (sieve) has never been contacted before. Its certificate is valid for Are you sure you want to trust it? (y/N): y - Description: (TLS1.3-X.509)-(ECDHE-SECP256R1)-(RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA256)-(AES-256-GCM) - Session ID: xx:yy:xx:yy:xx:yy...

Re: Can't figure out why managesieve (pigeonhole) can't connect

2022-11-27 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 11/27/22 à 3:48 PM, Yassine Chaouche a écrit : [...] Here's what works for me : In particular : root@messagerie-principale[] /var/www/roundcubemail-1.2.4/plugins/manage

Re: Shared mailbox listing not working

2023-09-13 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 9/11/23 à 16:04, exactoph via dovecot a écrit : Hi there, Having trouble with shared mailboxes. Followed the documentation, but the IMAP LIST doesn't work for mailboxes besides "INBOX" etc. In the meantime I've switched from file based acl_shared_dict to DB based as some people had problems

SQL Authentication when the password contains spaces

2024-02-11 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Dear list, I created a dovecot mysql user with a password containing spaces. When I try to run doveadm fetch (to test the sql authentication), I get the following error message in the logs: Feb 11 17:37:32 auth: Fatal: sqlpool: Missing value in connect string: xxx the connect line was: connec

Re: SQL Authentication when the password contains spaces

2024-02-12 Thread Yassine Chaouche
Le 2/12/24 à 06:18, Aki Tuomi via dovecot a écrit : Would it be possible to use a password without spaces? Sure. I just wanted to check with you (the list) that I'm not missing an undocumented feature. Best, -- Yassine -- sysadm 53 46 023 50 01 11

Re: Using SHA256/512 for SQL based password

2019-02-20 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 2/12/19 5:05 PM, Robert Moskowitz via dovecot wrote: I have trying to find how to set the dovecot-sql.conf for using SHA256/512.  I am going to start clean with the stronger format, not migrate from the old MD5.  It seems all I need is: [...] default_pass_scheme = SHAxxx-CRYPT [...] How do

Re: Error sending email from client

2019-02-20 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 2/18/19 2:29 PM, Latin Bishop via dovecot wrote: Feb 18 08:26:41 pepino postfix/smtps/smtpd[5328]: warning: unknown smtpd restriction: "permit_ssl_authenticated" Try to change permit_ssl_authenticated to permit_s*a*sl_authenticated (+a) But as Sami said this is a postfix issue and you

Re: Using SHA256/512 for SQL based password

2019-02-20 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 2/20/19 3:28 PM, Robert Moskowitz via dovecot wrote: Here's how I configured my roundcube's password plugin to keep things together ($roundcubefolder/plugins/password/config.php) $config['password_algorithm']    = 'dovecot'; $config['password_algorithm_prefix'] = '{SHA512-CRYPT}'; $co

Re: Linking mailboxes

2019-02-25 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
Hello Kunal, I've done this once, and it was for bakcup mail too :) in this page (https://ychaouche.informatick.net/dovecotsharefolders) I describe how I shared folders between main e-mail account and backup e-mail account with symlinks and dovecot-acl files pretty easily. Yassine. On 2/24/

Re: Linking mailboxes

2019-02-27 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
So did you get everything fixed up ? > doveadm(lightdm): Error: Can't open mailbox Storage/Email: stat(/run/media/computer/Storage/Email/tmp) failed: Permission denied (euid=976(lightdm) egid=976(lightdm) missing +x perm: /run/media/computer/Storage/Email, dir owned by 5000:5000 mode=0700) N

Re: Dovecot Logging and Shell Script Hang

2019-02-28 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 2/27/19 7:00 PM, Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote: On 27 February 2019 18:49 Asai via dovecot wrote: Greetings, We have a PHP based shell script that runs a doveadm backup routine. [...] the shell script would run for a few minutes and then hang, as it added more log messages to the dsync ST

Re: readonly archive folders using squashfs

2019-03-09 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
For every u...@domain.tld I created a u...@backup.domain.tld where he could look up deleted messages (archive). I then made u...@backup.domain.tld's cur directory a shared directory to u...@domain.tld but only with read privileges. So, anytime the user wants to read his old messages, he only n

Re: sieve vacation to an alias group

2019-03-10 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/9/19 12:41 PM, Monis Monther via dovecot wrote: Hi, We have an alias group named x...@example.com , this alias group has 3 actual users a...@example.com , b...@example.com and c...@example.com

Re: sieve vacation to an alias group

2019-03-10 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/10/19 9:07 AM, Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote: On 3/9/19 12:41 PM, Monis Monther via dovecot wrote: Hi, We have an alias group named x...@example.com <mailto:x...@example.com>, this alias group has 3 actual users a...@example.com <mailto:a...@example.com>, b...

Re: sieve vacation to an alias group

2019-03-10 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
? Is there another auto responder or plugin that can achieve this? How do ticketing systems handle this? Thanks Monis On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 11:13 AM Yassine Chaouche via dovecot mailto:dovecot@dovecot.org>> wrote: On 3/10/19 9:07 AM, Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote: On 3/9/19

Re: sieve vacation to an alias group

2019-03-10 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
Since sending to the alias will send to a, b and c, just define the filter on one mailbox only instead of making it global I guess. Yassine. On 3/10/19 11:51 AM, Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote: I am curious to know how did you define the filter on an alias in the first place ? is it a

Re: sieve vacation to an alias group

2019-03-10 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/10/19 12:35 PM, Monis Monther via dovecot wrote: [...] This is actually what I have done now, but I want it to be more robust, if this user quits, then I must have someone else in the group with the rule. [...] Yeah, a multipurpose, reusable notificati...@domain.tld fake / bot email

Re: Unable to set quota-fs plugin

2019-03-13 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/13/19 10:14 AM, Eric Grammatico via dovecot wrote: [...] Mar 11 17:56:20 mail.xxx.xx dovecot[4923]: imap()<4939>: Error: Failed to get quota resource STORAGE: quota-fs: quotactl(Q_GETQUOTA, /dev/vda1) failed: No such file or directory That's odd, I usually see s*da (not *v*da)

Re: Am I right to assume certificate renewal with the same filename requires a dovecot reload/restart

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
The general answere here is try and see, as you could totally test it on your own. The certificate is read at startup and put in memory for the rest of the execution time. Dovecot won't monitor the file for changes on disk, as this would waste CPU cycles and make dovecot only slower for no reas

Re: Am I right to assume certificate renewal with the same filename requires a dovecot reload/restart

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/14/19 9:32 AM, Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote: The general answere here is try and see, as you could totally test it on your own. The certificate is read at startup and put in memory for the rest of the execution time. Dovecot won't monitor the file for changes on disk, as this

Re: Unable to set quota-fs plugin

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/13/19 2:10 PM, Eric Grammatico via dovecot wrote: Thanks Aki, Please find attached strace for imap and quota-status which report an error at the end. Regards, write(2, "/usr/libexec/dovecot/quota-statu"..., 57/usr/libexec/dovecot/quota-status: invalid option -- 'u' Please retry wit

Re: Am I right to assume certificate renewal with the same filename requires a dovecot reload/restart

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/14/19 9:55 AM, Patrick Cernko via dovecot wrote: [...] the way we have configured exim, it neither needs reload or restart but reads the certificate file every time it has to use it. What happens if you goof off in the middle of an opeartion, temporarily putting a wrong file instead of t

Re: Unable to set quota-fs plugin

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/14/19 9:53 AM, Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote: On 3/13/19 2:10 PM, Eric Grammatico via dovecot wrote: Thanks Aki, Please find attached strace for imap and quota-status which report an error at the end. Regards, write(2, "/usr/libexec/dovecot/quota-statu"..., 57/u

Re: regarding ssl certificates

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/14/19 11:46 AM, mick crane via dovecot wrote: Excuse dopey question. I'm not exactly clear about certificates. Apache2 default install has this snake oil certificate Can make a new one for apache Can make one for dovecot Can make one for ssl Is there supposed to be the one (self signed ) cer

Re: Unable to set quota-fs plugin

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/14/19 3:40 PM, Eric Grammatico via dovecot wrote: Hi there, Well.. I didn't find a way to strace imap. If I well understood, the faulty IMAP is launched by dovecot from or after a succesfull imap-login process. I have executed manually '/usr/libexec/dovecot/imap -u eric' and typed getquot

Re: Unable to set quota-fs plugin

2019-03-14 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
re and stopped right after the error is raised and thus quite difficult to trace the process. - Eric Grammatico _/) 14 mars 2019 15:46 "Yassine Chaouche via dovecot" a écrit: On 3/14/19 3:40 PM, Eric Grammatico via dovecot wrote: Hi there, Well.. I didn't find a way to str

Re: Unable to set quota-fs plugin [fixed]

2019-03-17 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
gards, - Eric Grammatico _/) 14 mars 2019 16:08 "Yassine Chaouche via dovecot" a écrit: How I'd love if I could just launch dovecot (with symbols) in a debugger, set a breakpoint in the right function call, and login from Rainloop. Then I could run the process one step at a time and

Re: How to create sent items, drafts and so on

2019-03-17 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/17/19 8:59 AM, Sakuma, Koshiro via dovecot wrote: Hello, I've setup Dovecot and Postfix mailing systems.  The protocol is imap.  Now, I've realized that there are no "sent items, drafts" boxed under Maildir for each users.  I would like to take back up Inbox, sent items, draft boxes.  For

Re: testing dovecot LMTP with postfix/spamassassin

2019-03-17 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/16/19 3:49 PM, Marek Kozlowski via dovecot wrote: Can I test local mail delivery by dovecot LMTP manually? I mean: to simulate "I'm the Postfix" and produce for some testing e-mail the same effect as postfix granting it via `local_transport' to dovecot? Best regards, Marek You can use

Re: testing dovecot LMTP with postfix/spamassassin

2019-03-17 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/17/19 11:10 AM, Marek Kozlowski via dovecot wrote: Thank you but... Please mind that I'm planning to use dovecot LMTP rather than LDA. Best regards, Marek There's /usr/lib/dovecot/lmtp too Yassine.

Re: testing dovecot LMTP with postfix/spamassassin

2019-03-17 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/17/19 11:59 AM, Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote: On 3/17/19 11:10 AM, Marek Kozlowski via dovecot wrote: Thank you but... Please mind that I'm planning to use dovecot LMTP rather than LDA. Best regards, Marek There's /usr/lib/dovecot/lmtp too Yassine. Here'

Re: Dovecot quota and Postfix smtpd_recipient_restrictions?

2019-03-20 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/19/19 6:00 PM, Davide Marchi via dovecot wrote: [...] is not clear for me if I need to tell Postfix to communicate with the service in /etc/postfix/main.cf as here: smtpd_recipient_restrictions =     ...     check_policy_service inet:mailstore.example.com:12340 Davide Hey Davide, You

Re: dovecot.sieve shows up as a mailbox

2019-03-21 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/21/19 3:57 PM, Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote: This because you have a very common misconfiguration, which is that your mail_home and mail_location are pointing to same directory, and that lead into this problem. Solution is of course to use: mail_home = /var/mail/vmail/%d/%n mail_location

Re: dovecot.sieve shows up as a mailbox

2019-03-21 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/21/19 4:13 PM, Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote: On 21 March 2019 17:05 Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote: [...] While not very intuitive, I have : mail_home = /var/mail/vmail/%d/%n/dovecot mail_location = maildir:~/.. Which works for me ^^' Yassine. Except it would have the same pr

Re: Dovecot quota and Postfix smtpd_recipient_restrictions?

2019-03-23 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/21/19 10:17 PM, Davide Marchi via dovecot wrote: I've a doubt (again): Is it correct the the space between "[..]service" and "inet[..]"? As suggested here: https://blog.sys4.de/postfix-dovecot-mailbox-quota-en.html I've run: postconf smtpd_recipient_restrictions=check_policy_service

Re: dovecot sasl support

2019-03-24 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
On 3/24/19 10:01 AM, Wojciech Puchar via dovecot wrote: so it will listen on the same socket. the effect with sendmail is as below Mar 23 21:23:29 <2.3> puchar dovecot: auth: Error: Authentication client not compatible with this server (mixed old and new binaries?) do i need to specify

auth-worker doesn't systematically log the IP

2024-07-22 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
Dear list, look at this grep auth-worker | nl output from my dovecot log : 166 Jul 22 15:49:47 auth-worker(24409): Info: sql(hakim.boukha...@domain.tld): unknown user 167 Jul 22 15:49:47 auth-worker(13026): Info: sql(p...@domain.tld): unknown user 168 Jul 22 15:53:00 auth-worker(13

Re: auth-worker doesn't systematically log the IP

2024-07-23 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
Le 7/22/24 à 18:53, Aki Tuomi via dovecot a écrit : You would probably want to use the new event based system for these logs: event_exporter log { format = json format_args = time-rfc3339 transport = log } metric auth_failed { event=filter=auth_request_finished and not success=yes

Dovecot trying to fetch a directory that contains a typo, couldn't figure out where to fix it

2024-09-29 Thread Yassine Chaouche via dovecot
Dear list, I am encountering an unusual issue where Thunderbird is incorrectly accessing my "Messagerie" folder. While there are no visible errors within Thunderbird, Dovecot logs reveal several permission-denied messages linked to the folder structure. Sep 29 16:45:20 imap(a.chaou...@domain.t