There's currently a version block for the dovecot and dovecot-antispam packages
in Gentoo. Dependencies indicate that dovecot-2.0.11 does not accept
dovecot-antispam-1.3. Is this correct or should it work? If not: How about the
current rc of version 1.4?
Cheers, -sven
> I would like to see a tagged version too, but trunk works fine here.
> Since the OP mentions Gentoo, my latest ebuild for dovecot-antispam for
> 2.x is attached.
The thing with Gentoo: Unless a tagged version is created, it's very unlikely
that the Gentoo guys update the current ebuild (aka: pa
I'd like Dovecot to consume a list of users exported from an external
application which stores bcrypted passwords.
This has been asked in the past, however, I'm not sure how to read the
following reply:
> If you are using Dovecot< 2.0 you can also use any of the algorithms
> supported by y
The blf-crypt password schema mentioned in the docs could be a solution to my
auth problem. However, the docs state that actual support depends on the glibc.
Mine apparently doesn't.
Does support depend on the glibc's version (mine is 2.15-r2)?
Maybe someone with access to a box with a good