I am not subscribed and new here, so first of all i want to thank
you for dovecot. I personally do not use it in "production"
(yet), but it is my sole point of interaction for testing the
little MUA i maintain for quite some years. I also have used its
code for affirmation purposes. (Int
you for dovecot. I personally do not use it in "production"
it was right in doing so :-)
||On 20/08/2020 17:28 Steffen Nurpmeso <[1]stef...@sdaoden.eu[/1]> wrote:
||What is really terrible with the current situation is that postfix
||announces the EXTERNAL
Aki Tuomi wrote in
|> On 21/08/2020 02:17 Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
|> Wietse Venema wrote in
|>|Steffen Nurpmeso:
(I removed Wietse Venema from Cc:.)
Aki Tuomi wrote in
|Sorry for duplicate mail, I accidentically pressed too many keys... *sigh*
|Anyways, I'm not sure if you understood my point, I ment, have you \
|tried EXTER