Re: ot: copy physical mail files ?

2020-05-09 Thread Richard Siddall
Voytek Eymont wrote: dumb question warning: I have two email accounts, me@tld1 and me@tld2 often, get emails intended (by me) for me@tld2 sent to me@tld1 this is purely for my own preferred record keeping preference, as I run the server, is it 'a really bad things' if I simply copy relevant ma

Re: handling spam from gmail.

2020-06-11 Thread Richard Siddall
Marc Roos wrote: I am sick of this gmail spam. Does anyone know a solution where I can do something like this: 1. received email from 2. system recognizes this email address has been 'whitelisted', continue with 7. 3. system recognizes as this email never been seen before 4

Re: Anyone Watching Actvity from this network? Attempting Dovecot Buffer Overflows?

2023-11-16 Thread Richard Siddall
Brendan Kearney wrote: i have some rather old IpToCountry.csv files from a now defunct site. it mapped IP allocations to country and included the RIR, date assigned, etc.  this data is a few years old as the site was taken down and there is probably a lot of new or updated info.  a GeoDB subs