opping dovecot with systemctl (or the
older service command which still works in CentOS 7), if you do not then
systemd cannot track the running state properly.
e same issue:
r apparmour or similar, check your logs for
that (audit log for selinux) and look for denials. You cna also try
setting selinux to permissive and trying the operation (setenforce 0).
les that you just built
with the older dovecot 2.0 files that it distributes again.
> Precisely how should this 2.3.0, built from source, be properly
> installed and configured to actually run the new version ?
It shouldn't, see above.
s just include "certain" releases of
> packages in the repositories ?
See: https://access.redhat.com/security/updates/backporting
I am using dovecot 2.2.27 with plesk 12 and I have made no modifications
to the dovecot config.
my log file frequently (but not always!) reports errors that
/tmp/dovecot.imap could not be created.
The errors don't appear for every imap connect but for about 5% to 10%
of the time.
I already a
Yes, please fix in future releases. I already have to define the 2.3
separately from the 11.3 in my spec file, with this change I either have
to rename the file or have three definitions: 2.3, 11 and 3 (I renamed
the file).
ill do our best to ensure this won't happen again.
Would it fix your build systems if we simply rename the file?
As K. C. pointed out, it doesn't because the files still unpack into the
wrong directory. I've managed to work around it for now with a tweak to
the spec file, though.
it upon request.
For now I'm going ot have to bypass the make check stage of the build
for CentOS 6, but I worry that the failed check could be indicative of
something critical.
ed by someone else. I will follow up on this
one in that thread.
Full log of tests is at https://paste.centos.org/view/33771454
accident. RPM
macros can be quite tricky sometimes.
I have:
%if 0%{?rhel} < 8
BuildRequires: tcp_wrappers-devel
... then later ...
%if 0%{?rhel} < 8
--with-libwrap \
able for a user to change the 8's in
the code below to 9's?
I think you may be misunderstanding the boolean logic there, the code
works as intended.
On 22/08/20 6:28 pm, Aki Tuomi wrote:
The fix is pending in our review queue, but please find it attached. It'll be
in master soon.
I can confirm that these patches do indeed fix the problem for me.
Peter Ajamian
ng any additional activity in solr.log
If I remember correctly, that is an issue with TB - it only does body
serches serverside, regardless of what you request, there should be an
entry in their bugzilla, I'm too lazy right now.
Am 19.10.20 um 18:17 schrieb PGNet Dev:
On 10/19/20 9:15 AM, Peter wrote:
If I remember correctly, that is an issue with TB - it only does body
serches serverside, regardless of what you request, there should be an
entry in their bugzilla, I'm too lazy right now.
this is a very old bu
Am 19.10.20 um 18:50 schrieb PGNet Dev:
On 10/19/20 9:38 AM, Peter wrote:
A network trace will show you, it TB actually requests something for
your header search. Might be quicker
that was my earlier quick-check ...
abs nada from > tcpdump -i lo port 8984
on the server, when doing
have to somehow keep tabs on remote and local usernames.
Passwords will be different. Local updates should be no problem with a
reasonable distro, e.g. the dovecot public repo.
Happy becoming a mail server admin!
Am 25.10.20 um 18:56 schrieb R. Diez:
Hi all:
I am evaluating mail server
se information snippets together.
Sorry, the world is too big :)
2) Install fetchmail, make it pull the ISPs IMAP and deliver locally
3) Install postfix as a smart relay and deliver locally to locals
Feel free to fill in the details ;)
t now.
currently opened. This propertry is pure client
side state by definition.
On Dec 19, 2020, at 12:19 AM, Philip Rhoades <mailto:p...@pricom.com.au>> wrote:
On 2020-12-19 00:08, David Morsberger wrote:
Are you trying to find out how dovecot marks emails as u
I delete duplicates before they are delivered to a mailbox.
From using doveadm-deduplicate, I remember that with message-Id as
criterion, it would delete too much for my taste, of what makes a duplicate.
d as
such the DKIM signature passes. As long as teh message is originally
DKIM signed by the same domain as that in the From: header then it will
pass DMARC regardless of SPF. This, of course, is heavily dependent on
the proper usage of DKIM by the original sender.
t the forwarded
message will pass SPF, DKIM and DMARC checks and therefore have the best
chances of being received by the recipient. Anything else relies on
implementation specifics of the sender and/or the recipient MTAs which
may or may not make that possible.
o you either accept
that a number of messages will, depending on circumstances, not make it
to the recipient, or you take drastic measures to resign everything so
that the recipient MTA is happy.
re dump in lib20_fts_plugin.so
for me.
Is this fixed yet in 2.3.18?
On 7/02/22 3:25 am, Alan Swanson wrote:
Is this fixed yet in 2.3.18?
No, still broken and core dumping (there's been no changes to
src/plugins/fts/fts-storage.c) and the commit still needs reverted on
Thanks, I'll keep that patch in place in my build for now, then.
mes with CentOS or
you can wait. CentOS and Red Hat have not made this easy so it is going
to take time.
Also on a personal note, I think that pushing out any production server
on CentOS 8 at this time is premature. CentOS 8 simply is not ready
yet, imo.
is in the comment in 20-lmtp.conf, hence why I said it's poorly
a major release.
f you who are interested they are in the GhettoForge Testing
repo for el8 at:
These are untested so let me know if anyone experiences any issues with
212.227] ehlo=2 starttls=1 commands=3
This is a postfix issue, you need to ask for help on the postfix mailing
Make sure you read and follow the DEBUG_README that comes with postfix
when posting your question.
violates the privacy rights of the foreign country the data is stored
passing my understanding. So I was hoping to
hear Dovecot either already had support or there were plans to implement it.
Virtual folder does not scale. Thank you for naming a client that does
On 6.5.2020 3.57, Daniel Miller wrote:
Does Dovecot presently support the M
Thunderbird or maybe roundcube to use it for searching?
Would be very nice to learn that
Thank you in advance
Am 11.05.20 um 21:13 schrieb Daniel Miller:
What client(s) use this and how? I've used virtual folders - by
explicitly "subscribing" to them and then performing a sear
ission port (587) and enforcing STARTTLS
vs the submissions port (465) which is a direct TLS connection.
approach is to just limit to
port 993, but port 143 is also safe if properly configured on both the
server and client side.
any other missing dependencies.
Tobias: You are more than welcome to use the packages from GhettoForge
which are now in the gf-plus repo. I would love to hear feedback if you
have any issues with them.
e moment is packaged in GhettoForge, and in that case I
may just have to wait until 8.2 drops to release 2.3.11, or if I can
selectively disable zstd in the build I can do that until 8.2 drops and
then rebuild.
On 28/02/17 21:59, Aki Tuomi wrote:
> We are aware of this and working on fix.
Is there anything I can do to help, testing patches, or providing info
or anything?
testing) packages from GhettoForge plus:
nect resend commands failed ... : ok
imapc reconnect mailbox .. : ok
1 / 7 tests failed
that patch and it builds and tests run fine now for
both CentOS 6 and 7.
chroot must contain
/tmp directory. <<
If this was the case I would expect the error for every imap connection
and not only sometimes.
Nonetheless: How can I check the chroot settings?
at you don't use rpmbuild directly, but use mock to build it
instead. That ensures you have a clean build environment every time.
uld be building
in a clean chroot environment which is exactly what mock does for you.
I highly suspect that this is a case where the op's build was just
messed up by something left over in his build environment from before.
l likely
have to do some tweaking of settings in order to get it to run again.
If you're on a production system and this worries you then I recommend
you fire up a test box or VM and trial it out first.
On 07/06/17 12:39, Peter wrote:
> I'll give you a link once I get it pushed out to GhettoForge.
Packages are pushed out to gf-testing now. You can find the CentOS 7
binary RPMs in:
The SRPM is a
On 07/06/17 13:11, Peter wrote:
> I've documented the process for postfix here, dovecot works pretty much
> the same in that regard.
Oops, forgot the link for that:
I built for GhettoForge directly.
Root B and the
intermediate as chain certs you got a lower grade because of the SHA1
sig, but if you just passed the intermediate it was fine.
In short, it may work some of the time or most of the time to pass the
root cert, but there will be edge cases where it will fail. It's safest
t way to install current release Dovecot on a new server ?
Following onto your similar post on the postfix mailing list...
GhettoForge has dovecot22 packages as well which provide the latest
stable version of Dovecot for CentOS 6 and 7.
rge, then
someone else does that for you and all you have to do is run, "yum
update" on a regular basis.
r version if something goes wrong.
I am more than happy for anyone who wants to do this to download and use
the .src.rpm files from GhettoForge as a base for their own package builds.
r Postfix..?
Yes, I haven't done a dovecot page yet, but the instructions are
essentially the same as for postfix.
server, then, copy old
>> /etc/dovecot tree to new /etc/dovecot ?
>> appreciate any tips and advice,
There are some changes in the config file format, see:
vast majority of modern clients by the fact that they no longer
support opportunistic encryption. You either have to select plain text
or encrypted, there is no, "encrypt if it is supported" setting any more.
for spambots.
Right, you should never use port 25 for submission, for several reasons.
e stored in plain-text. If you use PLAIN but only allow
authentication over a secure channel then you get the best of both
worlds, you can store your passwords as a hash and they are not
transmitted as plain text over the internet.
config change in order to accept a plaintext connection, but then so
would a client that is configured to port 587 and mandatory encryption.
installs are on different hosts hence the use of inet rather
> than unix socket.
Postfix does not support this natively, and I don't think dovecot does
either. That said, it should be relatively easy to set up a ssh tunnel
or stunnel and push the connection through that.
way to encrypt the connection between postfix and dovecot SASL
is to use a tunnel.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
> You could use stunnel on the other end.
Does it turn the auth socket into a direct TLS connection, or is there a
STARTTLS implementation for it?
The only modern reason I can think of to continue to support POP3 is
that gmail's email fetch feature only works over POP3, so if you want
people to be able to import their email from your server to gmail or
google workspace then you should probably continue to support POP3.
#x27;s all good but you'd
best do it with all your entry points, not just POP3, and there's no
practical reason to actually prevent a user from using POP3 if that's
what they want (it limits features they have access to, nothing more).
On 2/03/22 1:23 pm, Sebastian Nie
On 12/05/22 3:38 am, Alan Swanson wrote:
On Tue, 2022-05-10 at 09:33 +0300, Aki Tuomi wrote:
Hi all!
We are pleased to release v2.3.19 of Dovecot.
On Sun, 2022-02-06 at 14:25 +, Alan Swanson wrote:
On Sat, 2022-02-05 at 14:55 +1300, Peter wrote:
On 8/12/21 2:12 am, Alan Swanson wrote
On 8/07/22 4:49 am, Istiak Ferdous wrote:
Redhat 9 is publicly released for some time. Is there any plan to
provide repository for it?
GhettoForge will be releasing for EL9 once Rocky Linux 9 drops. In the
meantime there is dovecot 2.3.16 in appstream.
hose who want a patched release for the
EL platform.
Look at doveadm-search(1) and doveadm-search-query(7) for this.
You can loop through the list of mailboxes from doveadm mailbox list and
pass them one at a time to `doveadm search NEW MAILBOX mailboxname` to
see if any messages are returned from the search.
On 28/07/22 6:55 am, dove...@ptld.com wrote:
Any plans or timeline for when there will be a latest repo for RHEL9?
I should have Ghettoforge packages out hopefully early next month.
me know if you have any difficulties or questions with these
Peter Ajamian
The main site doesn't currently support https but the repositories do,
also all packages are cryptographically signed and the signing keys are
served off of a secure server.
The info on the site is public information that doesn't really need to
be secure.
On 6/08/22 04:1
;s only so much I can do as one person. The
important stuff is secure, the site will be when I can get time to work
on it.
ay, though, the storage benefits of mdbox should be
weighed against the sheer simplicity and widespread use of Maildir. If
you have really huge mailboxes (like ones that contain 50,000 or more
messages) then mdbox may be the right solution for you, but most people
will be fine with Maildir.
le of weeks ago.
o have --with-sodium and dovecot
will auto-detect sodium at build time by default, but it does need to
have the lib and devel packages installed. I'll push out a build with
sodium for GhettoForge as I see no reason not to have it.
nted? I've seen issues where dovecot tries to access a
file before the mount has finished, giving a pmerssions denied error.
Peter C
adding rpcgen as a build-dep to see if it helps.
On 29/12/22 07:30, Jorge Concha C. wrote:
Yes, same issue. Package installed: dovecot23-2.3.20-1.gf.el9.x86_64.rpm
And the solution for you simply involvs installing rpcgen during the
configure and build stages? Are there any changes required to configure
or build flags?
On 29/12/22 14:01, Peter wrote:
On 29/12/22 07:30, Jorge Concha C. wrote:
Yes, same issue. Package installed: dovecot23-2.3.20-1.gf.el9.x86_64.rpm
And the solution for you simply involvs installing rpcgen during the
configure and build stages? Are there any changes required to
seemed to indicate it was required
at runtime as well. Can you verify that it works, though? I'll remove
the runtime requirement.
On 30/12/22 13:17, Peter wrote:
On 30/12/22 07:40, Jorge Concha C. wrote:
rpcgen it's required only at compiling time. Not for execution. The
RPM package at
requiere rpcgen and this is not necesary.
I wasn
ed a bug in Red Hat bugzilla, let's see if anything comes of it:
On 31/12/22 02:58, Jorge Concha C. wrote:
Yes, it works perfectly!
Thanks for confirming. I've moved the packages to gf-plus and future
updates in Ghettoforge will contain this fix.
dovecot mailing list -- dovecot@dovecot.org
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Am 25.11.23 um 20:38 schrieb Michael Grant via dovecot:
Error: Mailbox INBOX: Sync failed for mbox: UID inserted in the middle of mailbox
(4315358 > 4312144, seq=1, idx_msgs=3212)
Maildir to the rescue?
sers switched
to the same system user, all very busy. Dovecot is a great groupware :)
dovecot mailing list -- dovecot@dovecot.org
To unsubscribe send an email to dovecot-le...@dovecot.org
The page:
... has links to the old dovecot wiki which are now broken, specifically
the Postfix and Exim links at the bottom of the page.
Can someone please port those pages over to the docs and fix the links?
dovecot mailing list -- dovecot@dovecot.org
To unsubscribe send an email to dovecot-le...@dovecot.org
aught target signal 6 (Aborted) - core dumped
I'll provide more info on request.
Is this just an issue with the tests or is it an issue with Dovecot itself?
dovecot mailing list -- dovecot@dovecot.org
To unsubscribe send an email to dovecot-le...@dovecot.org
erent build stages, what resulting files go in each resulting
package, and what extra commands are run at install and uninstall time, etc.
dovecot mailing list -- dovecot@dovecot.org
To unsubscribe send an email to dovecot-le...@dovecot.org
s_client -connect mail.example.com:993
-servername mail.example.com -crlf -quiet
-servername works with newer versions of s_client but is required for
older versions, if you include it in everything you can't go wrong.
dovecot mailing li
bfuscate it but it's not secure.
I've spent about half a day trying to figure this out, I'm assuming at this
point that either I'm missing something obvious or something else is wrong.
Any ideas?
Ubuntu 8.04lts
Dovecot 1.2.6
So, further to the 'deliver' problem posted yesterday I've also discovered
another issue regarding permissions: files and directories are being created
0600/0700 by the IMAP and deliver process (depending on who gets there
first!) preventing use of shared mailboxes.
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