[Dovecot] POP3 Performance

2012-03-16 Thread Mauricio López Riffo
Hi, We actually have a mail hosting solutions with aprox. 100 thousand of email account, where about 90% of a customers use POP3 like email configuration. About a few mounths (we perfomed a lot of migration throught mbox email software to Maildir with dovecot) but i can see that the perf

Re: [Dovecot] Configuration advices for a 50000 mailboxes server(s)

2012-04-17 Thread Mauricio López Riffo
The only mandatory thing will be I must use HP proliant servers The operating system will be FreeBSD or Linux Thank you for any advices -- Mauricio López Riffo Red Hat Certified Engineer 804006455319519 Administrador de Servicios Internet Área Ingeniería Gtd Internet S.A. http://www.gr

Re: [Dovecot] Configuration advices for a 50000 mailboxes server(s)

2012-04-17 Thread Mauricio López Riffo
elp o contribution, you welcome :) Regards El 17-04-2012 9:42, Jan-Frode Myklebust escribió: On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 08:54:15AM -0300, Mauricio López Riffo wrote: Here we have approx. 200K users with 4000 concurrent connections (90% POP3 users) How do you measure "concurrent&q

[Dovecot] Concurrent POP3 Sessions Issues

2009-01-29 Thread Mauricio López Riffo
--- Mauricio López Riffo Red Hat Certified Engineer 804006455319519 Netline Telecomunicaciones Chile Los Conquistadores 2430, Providencia, Santiago. Codigo Postal: 7530041 Fono: +562 6560600 Móvil: +569 90992366

Re: [Dovecot] Concurrent POP3 Sessions Issues

2009-01-30 Thread Mauricio López Riffo
Timo, What messages should be see? I execute the commands and shows a lot of messages, i dont know what it means, i m not a programmer :) Thanks Mauricio López Riffo Red Hat Certified Engineer 804006455319519 Netline Telecomunicaciones Chile Los Conquistadores 2430, Providencia

Re: [Dovecot] dovecot and nfs readdir vs readdirplus operations

2012-07-05 Thread Mauricio López Riffo
out NetApp, since that's what most large Dovecot NFS installations use. -- Mauricio López Riffo Red Hat Certified Engineer 804006455319519 Administrador de Servicios Internet Área Ingeniería Gtd Internet S.A. http://www.grupogtd.com/ Moneda 920, Oficina 602 - Fono : +562 4139742