[Dovecot] SMTP Auth Issue for non /etc/passwd accounts

2009-07-17 Thread Mark R. Baith
Folks - With Dovecot 1.0.7, we're seemingly unable to authenticate users for out-going SMTP access who are not residing directly within the main system passwd/shadow files. (I.e. the users seeded within our non-system "dovecot" userdbs & passwd files have no "smtp-auth" joy! (Ye olde "Relaying de

Re: [Dovecot] SMTP Auth Issue for non /etc/passwd accounts

2009-07-17 Thread Mark R. Baith
t; > files. > > Which means you haven't configured your MTA to authenticate using > Dovecot! > > You didn't mention what MTA you're using.. If you're using Postfix or > Exim, see http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/PostfixAndDovecotSASL or > http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/EximAndDovecotSASL > -- Mark R. Baith University of Maryland (UMD) Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) mba...@essic.umd.edu / P:(301)314.2629 / F:(301)405.8648