> > I was trying to list messages deleted with
> >
> > doveadm -f flow -o mail_location=mdbox_deleted:/home/mail/xxx
> /mdbox fetch -u xxx "mailbox date.saved guid" ALL
> >
> > And getting this error. What is this about?
> >
> > doveadm(xxx): Panic: file mdbox-map.c: line 1494
> (mdbox
sendmail is (also) still lacking this.
> -Original Message-
> From: dovecot On Behalf Of Sylvhem
> Sent: 23 February 2021 13:50
> To: dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: What is the state of SMTPUTF8 support?
> Hi!
> It’s been some time since I last saw a mention of SMTPUTF8 here.
Does this mean I have some problems with filesystem uid's? Currently I have
only u=rwx, go is nothing.
Does this mean I have some problems with filesystem uid's? Currently I have
only u=rwx, go is nothing.
> >
> > Does this mean I have some problems with filesystem uid's? Currently I
> have only u=rwx, go is nothing.
> >
> >
> >
> > dovecot-2.2.36-6.el7_8.1.x86_64
> Would running `doveadm force-resync` help?
No I have tried this already...
[@ conf.d]# doveadm force-resync -u testtest '*'
> > doveadm(testtest): Warning: mdbox
> /home/popusers/testtest/mdbox/storage: rebuilding indexes
> > doveadm(testtest): Warning: fscking index file
> /home/popindex/testtest/index/storage/dovecot.map.index
> >
> > [@ conf.d]# doveadm -f table -o
> mail_loc
I have migrated beginning this year from mbox to mdbox, but I am still
struggling with the concept of refcount=0 and where these message stay.
This is my test mailbox (shell script uses 'doveadm mailbox status -u')
[@ sbin]# mailbox-ls.sh testtest size
listing mailboxes of testtest:
Archive msg
I assume you are refering to incomming mail. I had sometimes similar issues
with mbox and having sendmail deliver straight to the mbox file. When I
switched to delivering to lmtp, I never encountered it anymore. Just put this
lmtp inbetween.
> -Original Message-
> From: dovecot On Be
These commands should generate different output not?
[@ ~]# doveadm -o
mailbox status -u testtest 'messages vsize' "Archive/2018"
Archive/2018 messages=70 vsize=6182960
[@ ~]# doveadm -o
[@ ~]# doveadm -D -o
mailbox status -u testtest 'messages vsize' "Archive/2018"
Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot
Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib15_notify_
I am not sure if you wanted me to just add another -o, so I did these 3, but
all with same results[1].
[@ storage]# doveadm -D -o
namespace/4archives/location=mdbox_deleted:/home/mail-archive/testtest/mdbox -o
location =
> -Original Message-
> From: Aki Tuomi
> Sent: 15 March 2021 11:24
> To: Marc ; dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: RE: archive namespace reports mdbox_deleted: same as mdbox: is
> that ok?
> > On 15/03/2021 12:12 Mar
Sorry Aki for asking again. I need to run the purge, but I want to make sure
some user did not accedentally deleted a large folder.
I decided to keep tests limited for now to the main inbox namespace. But also
here weird results.
Status of folders before the test[1], selected 10 messages from
New test
step 1.
initial state inbox and deleted
[@ testtest]# doveadm -o
mailbox status -u testtest 'messages vsize' '*'
Sent messages=17 vsize=7473
Drafts messages=6 vsize=67170
INBOX/test2 messages
Adding these steps
step 6.
check if we have still them message stored, ok as expected
[@ testtest]# grep 45765765870 /home/popusers/testtest/mdbox/storage/*
/home/popusers/testtest/mdbox/storage/m.893:Subject: New file uploaded
step 7.
purge mailbox with
[@ testt
> step 5.
> ===
> verify refcount=0 messages in folders, not ok, INBOX/test2 should have 5
> [@ testtest]# doveadm -o
> mail_location=mdbox_deleted:/home/popusers/testtest/mdbox:INDEX=/home/po
> pindex/testtest/index mailbox status -u testtest 'messages vsize' '*'
> Sent messages=0 vsize=
> > > step 5.
> > > ===
> > > verify refcount=0 messages in folders, not ok, INBOX/test2 should
> have 5
> > >
> > > [@ testtest]# doveadm -o
> > >
> mail_location=mdbox_deleted:/home/popusers/testtest/mdbox:INDEX=/home/po
> > > pindex/testtest/index mailbox status -u testtest 'messages vsize'
Maybe it is nice to introduce some option to Doveadm-Purge that does not delete
anything just logs what it wanted to delete sort of like rsync's -n option.
When I delete messages in the archive namespace they are copied to the deleted
items folder in the inbox namespace. This is 34MB increase is visible however I
expected the archive to go down by 34MB.
Is diskspace reclaimed automatically or do you need to issue an command?
[@ sbin]# du -s -k /
> When I delete messages in the archive namespace they are copied to the
> deleted items folder in the inbox namespace. This is 34MB increase is
> visible however I expected the archive to go down by 34MB.
> Is diskspace reclaimed automatically or do you need to issue an command?
> [@ sbin]#
I had in my archive namespace[1] an INBOX folder and did not really get why it
was there so I deleted it. Now this command generates map index error (doveadm
force-resync does not fix it ;))
[@ ~]# doveadm -o
> I had in my archive namespace[1] an INBOX folder and did not really get
> why it was there so I deleted it. Now this command generates map index
> error (doveadm force-resync does not fix it ;))
> [@ ~]# doveadm -o namespace/4archives/location=mdbox_deleted:/home/mail-
> archive/testtest
testing with expunging messages with subject "delete me"
this is the correct commend to list expunged messages?
[@ testtest]# doveadm -o
mailbox status -u testtest 'messages vsize' '*'
Sent messages=0
Sent messages=0 vsize=0
Drafts messages=0 vsize=0
INBOX/test2 messages=0 vsize=0
Junk messages=0 vsize=0
Trash messages=0 vsize=0
test3 messages=0 vsize=0
test1 messages=0 vsize=0
INBOX messages=0 vsize=0
> -Original Message-
> From: dovecot On Behalf Of Mar
Is there an equivalent for expunged messages of this:
doveadm search -u testtest mailbox '*' DELETED
search -u testtest mailbox '*' DELETED
but also does not do anything.
Maybe related to the older 2.2? Using dovecot-2.2.36-8.el7.x86_64
> -Original Message-
> Sent: 16 March 2021 10:54
> To: Marc ; dovecot@do
Maybe list emails being purged
Currently when I am expunging messages, the expunged (to be purged messages)
are counted / listed at INBOX.
Say for instance that a user would accidentally delete the mailbox 2014. The
whole folder structure below it would be lost. If someone creates a folder
structure, this folder structure h
What I have been doing wrong with testing expunged emails, is working with
linked copies of emails. Although thunderbird copies the message, it looks like
the message is NOT copied but linked.
If I drag 3 emails from my desktop to a folder INBOX/test4 and copy 1 message
from INBOX to INBOX/test
> mdbox is intended to be high performance mail storage, and this would
> make copying significantly slower.
1. But copying does not happen that often.
2. You already have this copy between namespaces (with different storage)
3. If this really is an issue you could also use a command to schedul
> diff --git a/src/lib-storage/index/dbox-multi/mdbox-save.c b/src/lib-
> storage/index/dbox-multi/mdbox-save.c
> index ff6e4f77b0..b522951b1d 100644
> --- a/src/lib-storage/index/dbox-multi/mdbox-save.c
> +++ b/src/lib-storage/index/dbox-multi/mdbox-save.c
> @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ int mdbox_copy(s
This reports all folders, ok
[@ testtest]# doveadm -o
mailbox status -u testtest 'messages vsize' '*'
2011 messages=0 vsize=0
2012 messages=0 vsize=0
2013 messages=0 vsize=0
2014 messages=0
If I move a message from the 'inbox' namespace to my 'archive' namespace. The
message is expunged at the 'inbox' namespace and added to the 'archive'
What is the best way to only purge messages that have been moved. (I do not
want to purge emails that have been deleted yet)
[@ sbin]# doveadm -f table -o
fetch -u testtest 'guid' mailbox INBOX 2> /dev/null
[@ sbin]# doveadm -f
> On 2021-03-18, Marc wrote:
> >
> > [@ sbin]# doveadm -f table -o
> mail_location=mdbox_deleted:/home/popusers/testtest/mdbox:INDEX=/home/po
> pindex/testtest/index fetch -u testtest 'guid' mailbox INBOX 2>
> /dev/null
> > 3c967f33b8aea671f3551db1ea
Hi Timo,
What about giving doveadm purge an argument to delete a specific message guid?
Is that a lot of work?
doveadm -v -f table search -u testtest mailbox Archive/2011 guid
returns this (echo ".$guid.")
> Strange -- my version (2.3.10) dumps headers to stdout, not stderr
No not strange ;) stupid of me not to mention that I am still on el7
distribution (dovecot-2.2.36-8.el7.x86_64). But I think I will move to the
vendor packages soon, now that centos8 is eol and only stream is available.
nal Message-
> Sent: 17 March 2021 14:09
> Cc: dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: Re: feature request: maintain folder structure with expunged
> email
> On 17. Mar 2021, at 13.39, Marc mailto:Marc@f1-
> outsourcing.eu> > wrote:
> Feature reque
maybe remove pop3 from protocols, remove service pop3-login, service pop3?
> I admit I don't quite understand dovecot's config yet, but this is
> driving me batty. I was looking at my server and noticed that dovecot
> was listening on the pop3 ports (110/TCP). Since I do not use pop3 at
> all,
> Hi,
> I am using Dovecot v 2.2.32 and Sendmail 8.15.2
> My "folder" config on Dovecot is :
> mbox:/var/spool2/%u/mail:LAYOUT=fs:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u
> But in fact, any email arriving into the mailbox, stays in Sendmail
> into the file location (by default) : /var/spool/mail/user1 and
I have configured a userdb file, so I can test with some accounts and override
settings. But it is a bit annoying getting unkown user messages for the
majority of accounts not in this userdb. Is there a way to skip this reporting?
dovecot: auth: passwd-file(,X.X.X.X,): unknown
I saw that the userdb section also has this option, you meant that? Or
specifically the passdb? Because that has my pam stuff.
Sent: Monday, 12 July 2021 5:38 PM
To: dovecot@dovecot.org; Marc; dovecot@dovecot.org
Subject: Re: getting rid of the passwd
What are you trying to achieve with containerizing? If you want to deploy the
container on a orchestrator so it is going to be (re)started on a random hosts.
You have to take into account that your storage is persistant, you have to take
into account getting something like proxy to redirect traf
> > What are you trying to achieve with containerizing?
> hmm, easy deployment & scaling? also reslient against hardware crashes,
> etc.
Forget about easy. You have a vm up and running more quickly. Scaling is a
problem because somehow you have to add storage (which is easy) but what then,
> I've had a few discussions with clients who are dead-set on running a
> docker this, or a snap that, or whatever container they just read about.
> But they want to run it on a VM in the cloud. To me it seems weird.
To anyone with a brain this is weird ;) If you have remote cloud, they are
You do not want to do that because that can create loops.
> -Original Message-
> I don't want dovecot to wait X days before sending out another vacation
> response. However, setting the :days to "0" doesn't work.
> RFC https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5230.html#section-4.1 says:
> 4
nothing comenting about more knowledgable, but ssl3 nobody uses. it is even
adviced not to use tls 1.1 and below
> Separate subject, but couldn't help but notice, SSL3 is being used?
> Wasn't SSL3 retired because of POODLE exploits? Can someone more
> knowledgeable confirm?
> On 9/7/21 1
With redhat 'dumping' the support for centos and the availability of
containers. I thought about reconsidering my default dovecot setup.
Since the concept of having a lts distribution that is supported by
redhat/centos is more or less 'unavailable'. I thought about using the repo of
dovecot w
Maybe update this to having multiple ports (if this is even possible)
frontend ft_imap
bind :110 <<
bind :143
mode tcp
default_backend bk_imap
backend bk_imap
mode tcp
balance leastconn
stick store-request src
stick-table type i
Mostly personal preference and I do not want to have to many different
frontend/backends because that will show in the monitoring.
> Why not just have multiple frontend cponfigs?
Actually the health check port could also be added.
> Mostly personal preference and I do not want to have to many different
> frontend/backends because that will show in the monitoring.
> >
> > Why not just have multiple frontend cponfigs?
> >
I am struggling a bit with getting some basic metrics into prometheus. Is there
some sample metrics file that has most common metrics configured?
[@ conf.d]# cat 05-metrics.conf
# https://doc.dovecot.org/admin_manual/event_design/#event-design
metric imap_command {
filter = event=imap_co
> >
> > I am struggling a bit with getting some basic metrics into prometheus.
> Is there some sample metrics file that has most common metrics
> configured?
> >
> This page has sample configurations and the corresponding exports:
> https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/stats/openmetri
> >
> > I also do not see where this client_connection_finished is described.
> >
> >
> Thanks for pointing it out. It was indeed a documentation error as there
> is no such event. The page is now updated.
I did not even know, I just picked the first one from the example to search for
It shoul
> >> >
> >>
> >> Thanks for pointing it out. It was indeed a documentation error as
> there
> >> is no such event. The page is now updated.
> >
> >I did not even know, I just picked the first one from the example to
> search for
> >
> >It should be on this page, because I do not see it there?
> >ht
default_backend bk_imap
backend bk_imap
mode tcp
balance leastconn
stick store-request src
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
server s1 backend.example.com:10143 send-proxy-v2
> -Original Message-
> From: Marc
> Sent: Thursday, 7 October 2021 1
backend.example.com send-proxy-v2
> -Original Message-
> From: dovecot On Behalf Of Marc
> Sent: Saturday, 9 October 2021 12:54
> To: dovecot@dovecot.org
> Cc: Siavash Tavakoli ; Aki Tuomi
> Subject: RE: haproxy config manual update for multiple ports
> would yo
> MRob wrote:
> > Hello, anyone here has containerized dovecot? Can I ask general advice
> > and experience please? are there any recommended articles/tutorial for
> > containerize deploymnt and auto-scaling? Thank you.
I made a start where the container would use distributed storage, so you
So are some more extensive metrics configuration examples available with
grafana dashboards? Maybe even a seperate set specific to debugging?
> > >
> > >I think it would be nice to have this example be something useful and
> > long. It is easier to remove some metrics from the example, than
> >
I have been trying to get a simple health check in haproxy to work. But
somehome the haproxy request is differently handled then a curl request, which
generates a socket error in haproxy.
The health script echos these lines, with this config[2]
echo -ne "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
echo -ne "
I am not really sure what you are trying to realize with this ldap
modification. But afaik you have just one mail_location= configuration per user
and that is it. If you want to archive email on 2nd storage you can either use
this ALT= storage location or create a namespace, and configure this n
The haproxy is currently a container that hops around on random servers.
> * Marc, 17.10.21 01:15
> > I have been trying to get a simple health check in haproxy to work.
> But somehome the haproxy request is differently handled then a curl
> request, which genera
Should this be filed as a bug somewhere?
> I have been trying to get a simple health check in haproxy to work. But
> somehome the haproxy request is differently handled then a curl request,
> which generates a socket error in haproxy.
> The health script echos these lines, with this config[
No, if I stop the dovecot service. I am getting from haproxy the 'L4CON in 0ms'
and when I start dovecot with the new printf in the bash script, the same error
'SOCKERR in 8ms'(not tried with the options haproxy, reuseport)
I am not sure what this haproxy=yes should do, but tcpdumps show that
> Considering dovecot uses indexes, is there a performance benefit to the
> inbox in moving older emails to an "archive" folder?
What about not having to sync old email when you add a new device? Or
accidentally deleting messages from the inbox.
> thanks for replying, I would like to archive e-mail older than 5 years
> on a second storage, it seems like the namespace with a new
> mail_location that you suggested could be good for me, but then I will
> need the auto-archiving script that move mails older than 5 years to the
> archive
What about fixing the health check passthrough?
What would be the best way to 'throttle' dovecot/imap processes of specific
I was not having the exit trap and the sleep+kill, I don't really get why it is
necessary to have these. Looks a bit inefficient to me having a sleep and to
kill your own process. But I am not really a bash expert.
> which of course does not make sense... can you try if this works? I'm
> gue
> > What would be the best way to 'throttle' dovecot/imap processes of specific
> > users?
> >
> Can you please elaborate a bit how you would like to ‘throttle’ the
> processes? Give it less CPU time?
> That you can probably achieve by returning
> service/imap/executable="/usr/bin/nice -n
Is there some info on what to expect how big these indexes can get (% mailbox)?
Is there any differences between solr / xapian storage use?
Don't use email addresses as login ;)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
F1 Outsourcing Development Sp. z o.o.
t: +48 (0)12 4207 835
e: m...@f1-outsourcing.eu
>30(?) years ago the majority of systems were using a user name to access mail.
>Then the 'I want to track everyone companies' made logging in with email the
>standard that everyone blindly followed. Now decades later the brute forcing
>of known passwords etc is a problem, mostly because the log
> Full access from any IP (except firehol-blacklist and fail2ban) is
> possible over VPN (openvpn) with MFA (privacyidea).
> Privacyidea also supplies a mobile-app compatible with a.o. TOTP and
> HOTP but it provides a more secure way of enrollment (2-step).
How are you managing dns/clients etc so
Should you not be asking linux babe? Here there are only grumpy old men ;)
Dovecot is a mail server, it just manages what ever folder (aka mailboxes) you
> I have been following the tutorial here: https://www.linuxbabe.com/mail-
> server/block-email-spam-check-header-body-with-postf
Should I specify special_use any where, it is missing from my telnet imap.local
Just want to say, doing good job answering all these questions so quickly Aki
and Team! :)
> -Original Message-
> From: dovecot On Behalf Of Aki Tuomi
> Sent: Wednesday, 24 November 2021 08:02
> To: fugee ohu ; dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: Re: Connection refused
> Please keep respo
> > Should I specify special_use any where, it is missing from my telnet
> imap.local 143
> >
> >
> Where people are sending email to public
> mailing lists, there is no presumption of privacy.
I think the legislation is like this: the privacy is legislation is always
applicable, there are no conditions under which there is 'no presumption of
You have to enable ssl logging check the configs!
> -Original Message-
> From: dovecot On Behalf Of Ken Wright
> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2022 6:32 PM
> To: Christian Kivalo ; dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: Re: TLS connection closed unexpectedly
> On Fri, 2022-01-07 at 10:02 +0100, Ch
> Please also note that atleast for M365 licensed version of Outlook
> for Mac (version 16.57) now forces sync to microsoft cloud by default when
> adding IMAP account:
> https://imgur.com/a/sB3Kfu6
> (says in image: For better experience, your messages will be synced
> t
> >
> Noticed the same, 4 connection attempts from a Microsoft owned ip when
> setting up an e-Mail account with Outlook 2019 before it shows the
> option which account type you want to add.
I noticed years ago that apple mail is only supporting some sort of
autodiscover for their mac.com e
I have been testing a bit with ceph object storage. I think I will start using
this at some point, when I need to scale. I had a container of just 50MB or so
that was able to use TB's storage.
> So just to be clear, each user has a login on your mail server in
> /etc/passwd? If so, I would strongly urge you to move to using only
> virtual users on your mail infrastructure.
Why? Just disallow login, and that is from the perspective that a mail user
should be limited mail resources.
> Marc> Why? Just disallow login, and that is from the perspective that
> Marc> a mail user should be limited mail resources.
> If the user does NOT need to login to the dovecot/mail servers, then
> not having these users at all is more secure.
No, because there is a diff
> Marc> Why? Just disallow login, and that is from the perspective that
> Marc> a mail user should be limited mail resources.
> >>
> >> If the user does NOT need to login to the dovecot/mail servers, then
> >> not having these users at all is more
> I apologize for bringing perhaps trivial/well-known matter, but I am
> interested in your opinion.
> RFC 5322 clearly states that mail messages SHOULD contain a Message ID
> identifier, but if the do contain it, it MUST be globally unique.
> Despite this requirement, I have encountered send
> Just ideas.
Maybe an idea to participate on a Microsoft forum? They like to use db's for
email, and they are removing everything what is nice in order to push people
into their cloud. So lots to change for the better there.
It's so crappy that I recently wrote Bill Gates that he should no
> I see. People make money outsourcing, consulting, and hooking up companies
> with the best solutions for email, office collaboration, CRM, etc., etc.,
> which is great, but I didn't quite realize that look like a paid offering
> on the table and this isn't the right list to discuss potential f
> > Removing or deleting a single message from near the beginning of a
> > large flat file takes an inordinate amount of time because the
> > remainder of the flat file has to be rewritten all the way from the
> > point of the deleted message to the end of the file and then
> > truncated.
> mayb
> > Commercial Dovecot has had the ability to store mails & indexes in
> > Object Storage for years now, we are not "working on it" anymore.
> so no one is using dovecot-pro ? (dead sources)
First read about both of them, then you will find that such an answer as below,
is superfluous Maybe it is even the goal of the project to make you understand.
docker run -v /dev/log:/dev/log -it --network host dovecot
docker run -v /dev/log:/dev/log -it --network host --entrypoint /bin/bash
Is it possible with sieve to :
1. get sender of an email
2. lookup if this sender is present in an mailbox
3. if the sender is known, change the subject of the email.
if the sender is not known, do nothing.
4. put/leave message in inbox.
or maybe use dictionary (not really familiar with this)
> Problem is, I need to unpack each of them to be sure, that these are
> false positives and I'm afraid, that it could lower reputation of my mail
> server IP address with major providers (like Google Mail).
How can you get a lower reputation? Afaik dmarc is just signing your outgoing
> wait for spamassassin 4, gmail does not let users change there missing
> problems with no dnssec domains, how can google be serius there ?
google is only to be taken serious with acquiring new clients, if they would
take email serious they would eg spend money on filtering their out going spam
I have a user who feels compelled to use the vacation as autoreply to confirm
that a message has been received. The down side is of course, that if
spam/abuse messages get through the spam filters, this can get 'messy'.
Currently I am getting these ndr's as postmaster(?). But I was not actuall
What you should also consider if you are using some distributed filesystem or
block devices, is that maildir format created lots of small files, which in
some storage backends will give you quite a bit of storage amplification. That
is why I choose for the mdbox format.
> Unfortunately, t
> (sorry for posting to list this, but I don't have any ways to contact
> Marc off-list now)
> >>
> >>Problem is, I need to unpack each of them to be sure, that these are
> >> false positives and I'm afraid, that it could lower re
> Google's corporate web page, Alphabet, Inc., is on the ".xyz" top level
> domain.
> * https://abc.xyz/
Google is probably to most fined company of all mentioned on this list,
breaking countless laws over decades. That is the company you have as
1 - 100 of 910 matches
Mail list logo