Hello all,
On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 12:45 PM, wrote:
> V případě nutnosti volejte na mobil.
Indeed, it sounds like a call to action ;-)
Merry Christmas to everyone!
wbr, Denis.
In my installation (postfixadmin, dovecot-1.2.x), postfixadmin sets and
stores user quota in bytes in `quota` field of `mailbox` table.
Dovecot retrieves stored quotas via `user_query` and `password_query`
wbr, Denis.
On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:59 AM, M. Rodrigo Monteiro <
Hello there,
Now I'm using `expire` plugin and getting troubles with cronjob (from
user `exim`):
/usr/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail ext /usr/libexec/dovecot/expire-tool.sh
Fatal: setgid(12(mail)) failed with euid=93(exim), gid=93(exim),
egid=93(exim): Operation not permitted (This binary should probab
Hello Timo,
Many thanks for this nice piece of code, hehe.
Keep up your great work!
wbr, Denis.