25.08.23, 13:06 +0200, Robert Nowotny via dovecot:
I would say "elsif" itself is a typo - in most languages it is "elseif".
in that case both versions should be valid keywords - the current (but
unusual) "elsif"
and the more common "elseif"
You are obviously entitled to your opinion, but wha
I would say "elsif" itself is a typo - in most languages it is "elseif".
in that case both versions should be valid keywords - the current (but
unusual) "elsif"
and the more common "elseif"
this would not introduce downsides but makes programmers life a bit more
Am 25.08.2023 um 12:38
in a sieve script I just made a syntax error and got this error message on
calling sievec:
error: the else command must follow an if or elseif command.
My first thougth was "Are you kidding me!" as I used "elseif". But then I
realized that the correct syntax is "elsif". So I think that err