> On 28/09/2023 13:47 EEST Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay via dovecot
> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I had a similar problem:
> https://dovecot.org/mailman3/archives/list/dovecot@dovecot.org/thread/DNHM3OOV3SZUC2SIS7FMWL7MMT64F73T/
> It seemed to me that using ‘.’ truncated the doma
Hi Martin,
I had a similar problem:
It seemed to me that using ‘.’ truncated the domain name when that was used in
the paths, such as when using %d.
Regarding the following, written by "Aki Tuomi" on 2023-09-27 at 13:09 Uhr
The physical (file system) separator and hierachy separator are not related.
You can safely change the hierarchy separator to / .
Okay, so what is it used for?
The shared namespace should have list=children, an
When I used a ‘.’ as a separator, it seemed to truncate paths with the domain
name, such as those with %%d. That happened only to shared namespaces.
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> On 27/09/2023 12:03 EEST martin f krafft via dovecot
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running Dovcecot 2.3.19 on Debian, and I am trying to get
> shared to work.
> It's working if I do this:
> ```
> namespace {
>type = shared
>separator = /
>prefix = Team/%%u/
I am running Dovcecot 2.3.19 on Debian, and I am trying to get
shared to work.
It's working if I do this:
namespace {
type = shared
separator = /
prefix = Team/%%u/
location =
subscriptions = no