l...@relay.gb.net writes:
> I wonder if someone would provide me with some advice. I've been setting
> up a couple of Postfix servers just for fun. I've got two Postfix
> servers m1.domain.com and m2.domain.com. I can send and receive mail via
> both of them. Ive also got Postfixadmin and RoundCu
leon--- via dovecot skrev den 2024-04-03 22:21:
Does anyone have any suggestions for this?
certbot --apache -d m1.domain.tld -d m2.domain.tld
after this is done you have it ready to be renewed, if you need more
loadbalancers add more -d hostnames
put this cert on all loadbalancers so its i
I got around this by setting my mail.domain.com A record to the M1 mail server
and requesting a new certificate but by combining all domains into one
certificate with
certbot certonly -d m1.domain -d mail.domain -d webmail.domain -d mail.domain
-d mail.domain -d mail.domain.com --cert-nam
Hi Everyone!
I wonder if someone would provide me with some advice. I've been setting
up a couple of Postfix servers just for fun. I've got two Postfix
servers m1.domain.com and m2.domain.com. I can send and receive mail via
both of them. Ive also got Postfixadmin and RoundCube on them and I'm