On 14.10.2013, at 19.08, Jörg Lübbert wrote:
> from my understanding, using 1024bit DH parameters results in a not
> sufficiently secure key exchange for DH(E). Therefore I think it would be
> advisable to have parameters of at least 2048bit . In fact, I would see a
> great benefit in chosing
from my understanding, using 1024bit DH parameters results in a not
sufficiently secure key exchange for DH(E). Therefore I think it would
be advisable to have parameters of at least 2048bit . In fact, I would
see a great benefit in chosing parameter length arbitrarily.
I also do not
On 10.9.2013, at 22.57, Dimi - <00t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there any possibility to let dovecot serve >1024 Bit DH Parameters at
> SSL/TLS-connections? Is it possible to replace
> /var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.ssl with DH-parameter generated by openssl?
> If not: Are there any plans
Is there any possibility to let dovecot serve >1024 Bit DH Parameters at
SSL/TLS-connections? Is it possible to replace
/var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.ssl with DH-parameter generated by openssl?
If not: Are there any plans to implement that?
Thank you!