Re: Separators and shared namespaces

2023-09-27 Thread martin f krafft via dovecot
Regarding the following, written by "Aki Tuomi" on 2023-09-27 at 13:09 Uhr +0300: The physical (file system) separator and hierachy separator are not related. You can safely change the hierarchy separator to / . Okay, so what is it used for? The shared namespace should have list=children, an

Separators and shared namespaces

2023-09-27 Thread martin f krafft via dovecot
Hello, I am running Dovcecot 2.3.19 on Debian, and I am trying to get shared to work. It's working if I do this: ``` namespace { type = shared separator = / prefix = Team/%%u/ location = maildir:%%h/Maildir:INDEX=%h/Maildir/Team/%%u:INDEXPVT=%h/Maildir/Team/%%u subscriptions = no