Hej folks,
Today I upgraded from Dovecot 2.2.15 to 2.2.16 and while I was at it also went
from pigeonhole 0.4.5 to 0.4.7-rc2.
After upgrading I started getting these errors in the dovecot-deliver-error log:
lda(t...@domain.nl): Error: sieve: file storage: Failed to normalize active
* Timo Sirainen [2012-05-19 22:17:01 +0300]:
> > My question here is: Why does dovecot abort? Isn't the issue fixed after
> > the rename?
> That file was fixed, but you probably have tons of them and it aborts
> after each one. With IMAP protocol there's really no other good way to
> do this.
Hello folks,
This morning I tried to open an old archive mail folder using Mutt.
However, while fetching headers it aborted.
Checking the dovecot log gave me this:
@40004fb21996267d37d4 imap(benv): Error: Cached message size smaller than
expected (9115 < 9420)
@40004fb21996267e8bac imap(