I'm wondering: Is it a problem to move and delete files inside a
dovecot-managed maildir?
For example:
I have a folder ~/.maildir/.Sub1.Start/cur and a folder
and like to regularly move old mails from the first to the second one.
Can you create a cron job sayi
Joseph Tam wrote:
> I don't know why you would consider a background process inferior to a
> run-on-demand executable.
Well, the background process is hogging CPU and RAM while it basically does
nothing. And when it's running as root there is always the danger of privilege
LDA only
Hi there,
I'm using Dovecot together with Postfix; as I understand it, there are two ways
to transfer the mail from Postfix to Dovecot.
1.) by using LDA with mailbox_command = /usr/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f
2.) by using LMTP with mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:priva