I'm looking for a tutorial/how-to for a HSM (Hierarchical /Storage/
Management). keeping old messages for a user in a cheap storage and
recent messages in a faster one.
I see on dovecot2 wiki an alternative for hsm as "Alternate storage",
but I don't now if it's a good solution for me.
Em 24/06/2019 18:39, Jorge Bastos via dovecot escreveu:
Hi Julio,
Could you share with us your "acl" config for shared folder?
May be interesting for me,
Hi Jorge.
Currently I'm not using the shared folder.
Maybe you could be interested in this tutorial from iRedmail:
Em 24/06/2019 11:48, @lbutlr via dovecot escreveu:
On 24 Jun 2019, at 08:25, Júlio Covolato via dovecot
#$ cat dovecot-last-login.conf
[ … ]
plugin {
# Track last login time on imap and pop3
last_login_dict = proxy::lastlogin
last_login_key = last
Em 22/06/2019 22:41, Zhang Huangbin via dovecot escreveu:
On Jun 23, 2019, at 4:43 AM, @lbutlr via dovecot wrote:
This is cool, but I have a question:
For MySQL/MariaDB backends, we create the sql table in database vmail.
Would this
Em 06/06/2019 22:45, Aki Tuomi via dovecot escreveu:
map {
pattern = shared/last-login/$user/$domain
table = last_login
value_field = last_login
value_type = uint
fields {
username = $user
domain = $domain
rip = $rip
You are missing /$rip in p
uls oe-ns-eoh
pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
_Engº Julio Cesar Covolato
/(_)\ F: +55 11 99175-9260
Em 06/06/2019 16:40, Júlio Covolato via dovecot escreveu:
I'm confi
I'm configuring Last_Login plugin whith Mysql back end and all works fine.
I just wonder to track besides time_stamp, user and domain, the remote
IP and proto (imap or pop3)
I tried in dovecot.conf:
plugin {
# Track last login time on imap and pop3
last_login_dict = pr