2009/5/20 Charles Marcus
> On 5/20/2009, ESGLinux (esggru...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > main.cf:
> >
> > virtual_transport = dovecot
> > .
> Show postconf -n output instead...
Here is,:
# postconf -n
alias_database = hash:/etc/alias
HI again,
I cant get this work.
I have followed these instructions:
Now I have this in my configuratio files:
virtual_transport = dovecot
dovecot unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vmai
ot LDA (local delivery agent) and sieve
> for mail sorting. Mail gets tagged by amavis/antispam and dovecot LDA
> (run by postfix) places the junk mail to right folder based on your
> sieve match on various headers.
> --
> Karel
> ESGLinux wrote:
> > Hi All,
Hi All,
As I say in the subject I use postfix, dovecot with squirrellmail as webmail
and amavisd as spam control,
My problem is that all the spam I catch is send to /var/lib/amavis/virus but
I want to send this mails to the spam folder of each user.
This way the user can see the mails and determ