Re: Disable Dovecot LDA

2020-04-01 Thread Dauser Martin Johannes
On Dienstag, 31. März 2020 21:14:26 CEST Adam Raszkiewicz wrote: > But then it loops again when get back to the postfix as an incoming message > (doesn't know that is located on that Dovecot) + > Is there any way to disable Dovecot LDA? I want to always send email via > postfi

Re: Send local generated mails via gateway back to LDA Dovecot

2020-04-01 Thread Dauser Martin Johannes
Well as you need LDA to deliver emails from postfix to dovecot, you can't just turn it off. What you need is a second smtp daemon within postfix, which is only responsible for local originating emails and is configured to send any email to your gateway. This way your second smtpd will send loca

Re: Sieve fileinto copies messages instead of moving them

2019-03-07 Thread Dauser Martin Johannes via dovecot
Micheal, just for your information: "stop;" stops the whole script at this very line, which means no other rule will be applied on this message anymore. Most of the time this is desired. Otherwise "elsif" (and "else" as a catch-all) is your friend. require ["fileinto"]; # rule:[check if either