> I'm using dovecot- on fedora34 and Thunderbird 91 on
> fedora35. When creating a folder of type "folders only" in Thunderbird, then
> trying to delete it, it doesn't actually delete it from the filesystem. Is
> this a permissions problem? Or perhaps a Thunderbird problem?
On 2022-07-12 16:19, Austin Witmer wrote:
So, I changed the $config['managesieve_host'] =
'tls://mail.mydomain.com’; to the fqdn of my mail server instead of
the internal IP address and now it works!
Good to hear it works now :)
Why would using the fqdn work, but not the internal LAN IP addres
So, I changed the $config['managesieve_host'] = 'tls://mail.mydomain.com’; to
the fqdn of my mail server instead of the internal IP address and now it works!
Why would using the fqdn work, but not the internal LAN IP address?
As a side note, I am now remembering that in my main Roundcube config,
> "Aki" == Aki Tuomi writes:
Aki> This is working exactly as documented. Mbox is the *source* and
Aki> maildir is the *destination*, since you are using 'backup' not
Aki> 'sync' command.
Ah. So sync is bidirectional, backup single directional.
>> Even this didn't work properly for me.