On 01/25/13 12:57 PM, kenwood wrote:
My system does not have PAM. Does the dovecot -n output reveal anything to
account for the why dovecot won't authenticate via the shadow file?
> If your system is using pam, use it instead of accesing /etc/shadow
My system does not have PAM. Does the dovecot -n output reveal anything to
account for the why dovecot won't authenticate via the shadow file?
View this message in context:
I setup new server with dovecot 2.1.12 and mboxes from backup (moboxes
was used with dovecot 1.1.6).
OS: FreeBSD 8.3-STABLE, amd64.
All index files from dovecot 1.1.6 has been deleted.
Some times dovecot processes aborted.
E. g.
Jan 25 03:01:52 ost dovecot: lda(u...@example.ru): Panic: file
El 24/01/13 19:07, kenwood escribió:
I am installing Dovecot-2.1.13 on Slackware 13.37.0 for the first time to
replace ipop3d and I have overcome all of the roadblocks as they have
developed except this last one and I finally have to say “uncle”.
The error messages that are showing up in the dov